Are you a fun and energetic person? Here’s how your sanguine personality is a strength to your family! This is installment 2 of 4 this week where I’ll touch on all 4 personalities and the strengths they bring to motherhood.
If you are not the Fun + Energetic mom, but know someone who is, take the time to share this post with them to give them encouragement in their motherhood journey!
People, your kids included, enjoy being around you.
You love to have fun and bring energy and excitement into normal events. You are often found going the extra mile to make things special, pretty, or entertaining. Whether it’s a party, a play date, or even just a regular day at home, you find ways to bring in a bit more flair to break up the dullness.
You shine a light!
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
Because you are extroverted and love being around others, you’ve learned to make them feel comfortable. Your children feel confident and happy around you and thrive under your undivided attention.
When you are at the top of your game, they feel like the most special person around.
The Fun + Energetic mom doesn’t stress over the past or worry about the future, they live fully in the present. Whereas other personalities are prone to anxiety and stress over thing outside their control, you are inherently optimistic and therefore bring encouragement to those around you.
What's in this post...
You are a spirit raiser!
Since you are a social butterfly, you and your kids have many friends. Whether you have regular play dates, outings, or entertain often, your children are never lacking playmates and the adventure and excitement that childhood is made of.
Because of your “glass half full” mentality, you are an accomplished encourager. Always looking for the bright side of things gives your children the advantage of a positive, life-giving atmosphere.
You feel emotions strongly, but are able to release them and move on quickly. You may have sudden outbursts, but are fast to apologize and mend fences. You have an inherent need to please others and be loved so you work to create an atmosphere of harmony in your home.
Of all the personalities, the Fun + Energetic mom may struggle being a stay at home mom if she feels isolated. That said, since you care about how you look and dress, you will not likely neglect “self care.“
This will help you feel like “you” amidst the major changes motherhood brings. You’ll naturally continue finding ways to have fun (old and new) so you’ll take motherhood in stride.
The Fun + Energetic mother wants to dress her kids in cute outfits, schedule fun family photo shoots, and make sure the children have plenty of opportunity to do the fun stuff of life! This may become a struggle as the children get older and have more responsibilities, but when they are young it’s an awesome time for everyone!
Your people-loving and fun personality lends itself to physical touch and your children will be hugged, kissed, and cuddled to pieces which makes for a tight family bond.
You are loving.
You are present in the moment.
You help others to relax and have a good time.
You’re an encouragement to your family day in and day out.
“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.
She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple.
She makes linen garments and sells them; she supplies the merchants with sashes.
She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at days to come.”
Proverbs 31: 20-22, 24-25
The Fun + Energetic Mom’s husband and children have richer and more adventurous lives because of the blessing she is in their household.
Leave a comment if you are Fun + Energetic and tell me what your best strength is!
- pinpoint an issue
- draw out how it’s affecting you
- label what you don’t like about it
- determine areas of responsibility
- figure out how it’s showing up
- say what you’d rather happen
- brainstorm solutions
Click on the descriptions below and it’ll take you to that post. I recommend reading all 4 before you determine which temperament you are!
Kathryn H. says
I love this series! It’s so important to know our strengths and not to compare ourselves against those with other temperament types who have been blessed with different strengths. God knows what He is doing when He blesses each of us with our own temperament and wants each of us to become holy as the unique people He created. We can learn from each other’s gifts and expand our own horizons that way, but in the end we need to remember that God created each of us to be who He intended us to be!
Rachel Norman says
Thank you so much, Kathryn! You are SO RIGHT. I’m not sure if it’s always been this way, or if social media has helped us see everyone else’s strengths so well, but it truly is crippling trying to be like others. Are you the fun + energetic mom?
Kathryn H. says
No, I’m definitely “strong + deliberate” (melancholic). Learning about the different temperaments helped me appreciate others while understanding myself better–strengths and limits. I can’t just “make myself” have more energy in the way that “fun + energetic” women naturally do. My strengths are different. That was a freeing realization. :-)
Tiffany says
I’m not sure how I missed this when you posted it, but OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is me just about to a “T.” The only thing that doesn’t fit is cute outfits. I just don’t care, but it may be because I’m surrounded by boys who don’t care! Ha! Anyway, thanks! I’m encouraged. Good article! :-)
Rachel Norman says
Ha! Fun to know you’re the sanguine happy mom. I bet your 4 little ones just have a great time with you!
Quincybeth says
Thanks for these articles Rachel!
I don’t seem to “fit” into any one of your personalities but find descriptions of my strengths spread through all four groups! Help!
I love to have fun and do fun things with my kids though and am very emotional, so i guess this one is closest to who i am….
Rachel Norman says
Quincybeth, try this test and see. It can be hard for some women to evaluate themselves from all the positives and figure out, sometimes it’s eaiser to have the negatives too. Ha.
Janell says
I feel like a combo of all 4 but definitely this one the most.
Rebecca Sopkin says
Dear Rachel –
I am a mom of 6 kids, ranging from 20 to 3. We’ve been going through a very rough time as two of my girls currently have seriously health problems (completely different problems for each of them). I have days, like yesterday, when I really struggle. Your posts have been so helpful to me. Reading this one today made me laugh because I am completely the fun, energetic mom. I know that, even when I’m down, I still don’t appear that way to most people. You have to know me really well to pick it up. In fact, my kids are usually the first to notice.
Thanks for all you do. Please pray for our family.
Rachel Norman says
Rebecca, I can see how going through a hard time would be especially difficult for a fun loving mother! I am praying you guys get through this tough season and find joy in the day to day!
Lisa says
I am having a hard time figuring out which one I am. I am not an extrovert but I’m not calm! :) (I get stressed out easily) I like doing photo shoots in cute clothes and throwing parties, and dancing, but I’m not usually a glass half full kind of person or real encouraging. I have strong beliefs and expect a high standard but I am loving and affectionate… any clue what I am? Maybe an introverted fun and energetic or a combo of strong and deliberate and fun and energetic?
Rachel Norman says
I’m thinking you’re probably closer to STrong and Deliberate. But if you google ‘4 temperaments test’ they’ll ask you a bunch of questions and tell you for sure, ha :)
Lisa says
Thanks Rachel!
Lisa says
It says I’m melancholic, which one is that?
Lisa says
Ok I read the descriptions and figured it out. :) Thanks for bearing with me. :)
Jenn says
I have read all the descriptions but I really don’t feel like I fit in any of the categories =/
Rachel Norman says
Jenn, I recommend you take this quiz:
And I’d bet you are Strong + Deliberate because that group is the most likely to say they are not in any category! Ha :)
Jaimie says
I figured this one was me when I read through it, because of the four I identified with it most closely. I took the quiz you recommended just to be sure–sure enough, I’m primarily a sanguine personality. :) However, “phlegmatic” was a very close second, so I’m going to check out that one too!!
Your description of the “fun + energetic” mom describes me on my BEST day. Thanks for being so positive. :) I can often be very lazy, or more productivity-focused than fun-focused. The quiz said sanguine persons “struggle with following tasks all the way through” and “are chronically late”–both very frequently true of me!
The positive qualities do apply as well… I just have a hard time seeing myself in SUCH a positive light. I can be very critical, especially of myself, and have a hard time looking past my faults. Thank you for this encouragement! :)
Rachel Norman says
Jaimie, woohoo for seeing your positive traits :)
Kendra says
I am a combo of the fun, energetic mom and the calm and steady Mom… but LOTS of the fun energetic mom describes me to a T. can’t wait to read the weaknesses. That will probably tell me more!!
Kendra says
I look so much on the bright side of life some of my friends tell me I don’t even think realistically… and the people pleaser part. And being a social person??? Totally me. I loooovve talking to people.