Inside you'll find an in-depth guide to creating a family culture. This is part of a series so be sure to check out the other posts as they come... Sometimes I lay awake at night wondering if my children will call me when they move out. I wish I was kidding. Will they look back on ...
Anti-Meltdown Afternoon and Early-Evening Routines For Kids
Want to avoid the mood-crashing, whining, meltdown-charged late afternoon drama? These afternoon routines and early evening routines will help. The afternoon is when all happy dreams of motherhood go to die. You're tired. And you may or may not be having a hormone energy crash. Kids are ...
5am Morning Routine For Moms Who Need Extra Time
Got stuff to get done before the kids wake up? Here's a sample 5am morning routine for moms, the pros and cons, etc. There were times, when I had 5 kids 5 years old and under that I simply Did Not Have The Hours to get things done during the day. Not because I was teaching them that fairies ...
10 Simple Organizing Projects for the New Year
Start the new year with these ten simple organizing projects. I'm not talking home renovations that cost a bunch here... just some simple tips to make your life a lot easier. I call it a wave. I will go for long period without organizing much. I'll do whatever it is that I do and that'll ...
7 Simple Things You Can Do To Prepare Your Family For The Whole Year
Already feeling like you need more organization in your life? Here are some simple things you can do to help get ahead. The past few weeks have been a welcome break. Later bedtimes, later wake times, and less deadlines. But now it's the new year and now it's time to get going. Everywhere ...
New Years Resolution Inspiration for Kids
New Years resolutions for kids can be fun, creative, educational, and improve personal growth. Start teaching goal setting and personal reflections using New Years resolutions. Here are a few ideas: If you are the type of mama who likes to sit down and plan the year ahead with your kids, these ...
Important End of the Year Financial Tasks You Shouldn’t Skip
Many people begin thinking about next year's finances in December. It's a good idea to get a head start thinking about then, honestly. Here are some fantastic end of the year financial tasks that will make next year run smoother: I'll admit it. I find that my internal sense of security is very ...
8 Things Moms Should Resolve NOT Do This Year
With all the New Years resolutions, let's take some time to discuss some things to resolve to NOT do this year. Sometimes they are just as powerful. Instead of thinking about things I want to do this year, I'm focusing on things I don't want to do. Call me a rebel. I am an 8, ENTJ, and ...
Taking A Social Media & Phone Reset For The New Year
Are you feeling like it's time for a social media fast? Do you feel like you are chained to your phone? Here are some practical ways to overcome the challenged associated with social media and phone use. There are times when I find myself reaching for my phone... even though I have no reason ...
New Year Life Skills That Matter For Kids
New Year's is a great time to hone in on some essential life skills. Here are quite a few good ones that you can incorporate into this busy season: There's a lot of enthusiasm and hope that comes with the new year. Even if you aren't a hard core goal setter (I'm not!) then there are some still ...