Life doesn’t have to be chaos just because you have little kids
Hey friend, Rachel Norman here, B.A, M.S., certified baby and toddler consultant, Language of Listening parent coach, founder of this here parenting site, and mama of 5.
Here are the talking points I repeat over and over again in different words in hopes they stick and change your life:
- Moms should know their season, and live like they know it. You wouldn’t go to the beach in 10 degree weather looking to swim.
- Simplify your life as much as humanly possible. This will mean there’s less to do, less to organize, and fewer places to go.
- Create life giving routines and play around with them until they work. Mornings, evenings, meal times, etc. all are served with simple routines.
- You don’t have to sacrifice your mental health for your kids. In fact, the kids will be better adjusted if you are okay. So take care of yourself.
For your motherhood journey…
Stressed? Instant stress busters for overwhelmed moms.
Is life So Busy? The Real Reason Moms Never Have Enough Time (Hint: It’s Not Because They Waste It)
You find yourself easily angered: 5 anger triggers and how to manage them
Do you get easily discouraged?: The biggest reason you are a discouraged mom
Feeling bluesy? 5 Signs You May Be A Depressed Mom–And How To Start Feeling Better
Have you lost yourself since having kids?: 6 reasons a mom loses her identity
You tend towards being a worrier: How to know if you worry too much
For your parenting struggles…
The kids start bucking the system: Why kids really push the envelope
Out of control behavior: How to get your kids’ behavior back under control
Unclear on what you should expect of your kids?: 5 things you think they can do (that they can’t) and 5 things you think they can’t do (that they can)
Find discipline tough?: Here’s why discipline is harder for you than it is for your child
For your homemaking journey…
Feel your house is a big mess?: Here are simple and effective routines to keep a tidy home with kids<
Is a tidy home possible?: Why yes, yes it is.
Not sure how to get it under control: Try this one simple sweep
Can toddlers and preschoolers help: Yes! Here are some chores toddlers and preschoolers can actually do well
Need to start your weeks off better? Here are 8 things to do at the same time every day, every week.
Overrun with stuff in the home: Easy ways to toss, downsize, and organize
Want a quick evening routine to reset the house? Here ya go.
In just 15 minutes a night (while you’re in your pajamas!) take your home (and heart and mind) from stressed out to organized.
How to get involved in my community and start making changes fast:
Here are my most popular bestselling products.
Want your kids to learn to independently follow their routines? These visual routine cards do the trick.
Learn MoreTake our 3 day challenge to create life-giving family, child, and self-care routines.
Learn MoreCreate sustainable sleep habits for your little lamb so the whole family can sleep peacefully without the stress, drama, and tears.
Learn MoreI absolutely love sharing with my readers on a more personal level on my Instagram account.