Inside: Here are some great hobbies for moms who stay at home that’ll help you get out of a rut!
6 weeks...
That’s how long it took me to make an ugly slipcover for my even more ugly couch.
After the kids were in bed I’d be back at it. Nights of laying out the fabric. Measuring, cutting, sewing.
“Make sure you marry a man with a hobby, otherwise he’ll be under your feet all the time.” – My Grandmother
I refused to move on to a new project until this one was done, and yet, I hemmed and hawed because it was so detail oriented and I’m a Big Picture person.
And then, finally, it was finished. It was not perfect, it was not sturdy, but it was done. More importantly, I had done it.
I was exhausted, proud, and accomplished. If you’ve sewn a slipcover you’re basically a seamstress, right?
Okay, fine, maybe not.
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
What's in this post...
Why Hobbies Are Good for Moms
Moms should have habits to bring balance, perspective, and fulfillment into their every day. Here are some reasons why. In a nutshell, they keep us sane.
Let’s dig deeper…
1. Gives perspective
Hobbies for moms help take our mind off the day to day routine. So much of being a mother is fun yet so much of it is exhausting. Honestly, staying at home most days can feel isolating and having a hobby you can fall back on during the evenings or weekends will help give you perspective.
Also, when your children are going through a difficult phase or the weather is keeping you inside, hobbies will help you take your mind off your troubles.
2. Hobbies for moms help rejuvenate your mind
When I spend a few hours on one of my hobbies I feel encouraged, refreshed and more patient.
Whether it’s sewing, photography or decorating projects, I come away energized. I think it’s because I feel like I’m in control of that project and I’ve accomplished something good that is tangible.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
Learn More3. Prevents you from losing your sense of identity
Stay at home moms often lose their identity. The fact is, it’s hard to transition from worrying about yourself all day to worrying about others.
From your daily schedule… to your clothes and body. There’s hardly any area that remains the same after motherhood. Finding a hobby or something you’re good at to pass your free time helps you feel more in control of your life and fulfilled.
Overwhelmed moms may not feel they have time or capacity to start a hobby, but it may be just the thing that’s needed.
4. Allows you to express your creativity
I believe that God has given us all gifts, talents, and creativity. In creativity, success is not determined by the perfection of the final product. There is joy that can be found from expressing yourself in a creative way...
You’ll feel like a more complete version of yourself if you make a habit of tapping into your creativity.
Related Reads:
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
Easy hobbies for moms
Here are lists of some easy hobbies, by category, that might help you feel more and more fulfilled in your days.
Hopefully they’ll also help you to get a bit of your identity back.
Hand Craft Hobbies
You’ll be surprised what you can accomplish with a little creativity and time. There’s also no shame in researching “how to” on something you’ve always wanted to try!
Crafting- Encyclopedia for Crafts
Painting- Acrylic Painting Techniques
Scrapbooking- The Ultimate Guide to Scrapbooking
Drawing- How to Draw Cool Stuff
Sculpting- Artists’ Journey to Understanding Sculpture
Knitting/Crochet- Ultimate Knitting Pattern Guide, Simple Crocheting
Read: My “Daily Escape” to a Quiet Place & Why It’s Necessary
More hand craft hobbies for mom…
Pottery- Practical Pottery
Illustration- Illustrating Children’s Books
Sewing – Sew Me, Sewing Basics
Mosaic- Mosaic Tips, Techniques, and Trade Secrets
Flower Arranging – Flower School: A Practical Guide to Flower Arranging
Soap making- The Ultimate Guide to Soap Making
Card making- The Big Book of Handmade Cards
Origami- Origami Extravaganza!
Basket weaving- Basket Essentials
Candle making- Soy & Beeswax Candle Making
Cooking- How to Cook for Beginners
Baking- How to Bake for Beginners
The Organized Mom Book Of Checklists comes with some pre-made checklists for you to use in every area of life as well as template checklists (in Pages and Word) for you to make your own.
Learn MoreDigital, Graphic, and Online Hobbies for Moms
Maybe a hobby centered around technology is your thing? Check out these hobbies to see if something strikes an interest with you!
Photography- Digital Photography
Graphic Design- Graphic Design: The New Basics
Blogging- How to Start a Blog
Listening to Podcasts
Design and Art Hobbies
As a mom, every second of every day feels like it’s measured, divided up, and counted for something. Let me explain.. If I feel like time is wasted, the mom guild sets in (even if mom is getting some needed creativity time).
Should I have done this for the kids instead? Could I have spend more time on that instead?
Here is the reality- Some moms will benefit more from hobbies for moms that actually yield a tangible result.
DIY projects- The Year of Cozy
Cake Decorating
Furniture Restoration- Understanding Wood Finishing
Poem writing
Song writing- How to Write a Song
Quilting- How to Quilt
Dress making- How to Design Your Own Dress Patterns
Playing an instrument
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
Outdoor and Active Hobbies
Maybe it’s time to get back to your roots? What did you enjoy as a young person or before kids? It’s ok to reach back into that place where hiking, running, or just being outside was the place where you “felt like you”.
It took me a few years after having my last kid to remember that I enjoyed working out. I remember feeling so excited and happy to once again be doing something for me!
Check this list out of hobbies for moms that you may have forgotten about…
Guerilla Gardening
Working out
Social Hobbies
If you naturally gather your energy from social interactions, as many people do, you may need some people time! There are ways to relieve that lonely mom feeling in a very healthy way….
Board games (my 30 tip board game picks)
Book Clubs
Dinner party clubs
Quiz and trivia nights
Team sports
Miscellaneous and Brainy Hobbies
Chances are if you’ve got a creative streak… you’ll also need to exercise your brain doing a “brainy hobby”.
Participating in a brainy hobby can also give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment (apart from the whole parenting thing).
Learn a language
Couponing- Couponing for Beginners
Crossword puzzles- 75 Easy to Read Crossword Puzzles
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
Frequently Asked Questions
Moms having hobbies is not only beneficial for their own well-being but can also have positive effects on their children and the overall family dynamic. A mom that is filled up, encouraged, and has a sense of identity outside of her kids is often able to love on her kids even more.
Motherhood is busy and some seasons of motherhood are more than others (hello toddler phase). We all have some downtime, whether it’s after the kids go to bed, during naptime, or during regular self-care times. The key is to find an activity that fills us up, gives us perspective and a sense of identity outside of motherhood. This could mean swapping out Netflix shows after bedtime with a new hobby. If you’re needing a hobby outlet, find a way to make time or ask others for help so you can dive in.
Choose activities that you love and prioritize enjoyment over productivity. Avoid setting rigid goals or benchmarks for your hobbies. Allow yourself the freedom to explore without pressure and enjoy the spontaneity and creativity hobbies can bring.
Another great post Rachel! Thanks for these great ideas.
You need mobile hobbies don’t you, Laura? What do you and your friends do station to station?
Lots of fun ‘real food’ recipes, hiking, going to the beach, and now blogging ;)
You will have a great time in, Japan, then! They are big on real food and it is beautiful! Hopefully you’ll find lots of places to hike. Iz the blog up and running yet? Share the URL when you are ready :)
So thankful for this post
Gina, I hope you find a hobby you feel so good doing :)
Love this list.. I can say I have thought about doing a few things on here, but my current and favorites are currently blogging and crafting :)
I love your blog !
Thanks, Amanda! Am going to check out your blog now!
couponing is in there twice
Ha, thanks for catching it, Steph :)
I crochet and embroider and am now learning to sew with a sewing machine.
I had a similar experience with realizing I wanted to get back to my hobbies (even though I’m not a mother). While in college and starting to work, I’d gotten away from some things I had always enjoyed. I find that being creative with my hands gives my brain a break and also helps me gently relax and process thoughts. I’m glad I rediscovered the joy I get from these things, so that (God willing) when I have a family I can keep them integrated into my life.
I like your hobby list. Those are all things that can really enrich your life and also introduce your kids to things they might enjoy, too. I think that when children see their parents developing their interests, skills, and talents, they are naturally encouraged to develop their own, too.
Thanks, Kathryn!I just went to your store and your crochet creations are so beautiful! You are definitely skilled in creativity. I pray you never lose the time for it, ha!
Your blog has really inspired me, and I do love your grounded perspective on life and parenting. I’m a mother of a junior in high school, and a 1&1/2 year old… I was only just beginning to imagine more freedom when I found out I was expecting… My pregnancy actually brought back my creative side, and I am now a super crafter, with interests in almost all genres! I have enjoyed over at least half of the things on your list at one time or another, and they all have given me a better sense of who I am and a stronger self-esteem :)
Laura, I feel so similarly about trying new things and feeling so much more capable and grounded because of them! How precious to have a 1.5 year old, too, those are some of the cutest (though hardest) days.
Just thought I’d mention that reading is listed twice.
It’s my hobby, so it’s good it made it more than once ;)
hahaha, woops, it’s mine too :)
While the time I spend on hobbies fluctuates, I definitely agree that the process is much more rewarding and rejuvenating than just watching shows after the kids go to bed.
A group of friends and I get the husbands to take care of the kids a few times a year; we get together for a “Pinterest Day”. Everyone brings whatever project they’re working on and we *actually* get to work on them! Crafts + food + friends = such a good time!
That sounds so much fun!
Loved it Racheal..i was looking for something like this…
Ok I’m 30 years old and have a 1 year old and 2 month old occasionally I have a 9 year old and 7 year old. As a teenager I loved sports that was my best hobby but with kids I dont see myself playing very long so I need to find another hobby any ideas?? I want to do something unique
There are plenty of Moms do Sports groups when you look for them. I did/do Yoga with my kid since he was born. It helps with all the aches that come with carrying kids. We also have a belly dance group and a jogging-with-stroller group. Maybe join a Facebook-Moms-Group for your city and ask there…
Great post Rachel !
I just read your post and it is really good. I found my inspiration in this video:, maybe you also want to see..
Have a great day and keep it up !
My hobby is sewing, listening to Audio books (Librivox ftw) and Podcasts (and cooking, out of necessity). In love sewing because you can do it while the kid is in bed, while he is with Daddy in the same room, when you have half an hour to spare. It also really helped with my body image issues after my son was born. I could make myself gorgeous clothes that for me perfectly even though everything felt flabby and frumpy. I also started sewing for my son, and its so much fun to make these little projects and see him happy wearing his favourite animal of the day.
This is such a great list of hobbies. I’ve gotten into so many funks over the years as a SAHM and never realized I needed a hobby until about a year ago. I’m so glad I found one. It makes life so much easier!
Great post and list. I really love reading your article because a lot of information and very helpful article.
Thanks so much :)
I have six kids to whom are stepchildren and two who are twins who are 18 months old I have no times for hobbies my whole day is spent dedicated to them their naptime is spent cleaning up after them and sitting on the couch for about 45 minutes until they wake up and I go back to dedicating my whole day to them nighttime is dedicated to trying to wind down and get to sleep and I have no time for hobbies I miss sewing I miss playing the guitar I miss going on walks I just I’m taking it one day at a time I know one day I will cherish these moments but this is very hard
Samantha, I feel you. It’s so hard without hobbies and no time to ourselves.
So excited to try some of these out and expand what I already know about the others. Having a hobby will help with my loss of my Mamaw. I was her caregiver and a sahm. Now I’m just a sahm and my son doesn’t always want to do stuff together.
I love reading blog posts like this! It’s great to know that there are so many things that moms can do to fill their time and make themselves happy. I’m definitely going to add a few of these hobbies to my list!
hahaha, woops, it’s mine too :)