Babies often cry at the same time every day because they’re tired, they’re hungry, or they’re having witching hours. Read on to see more.
If your baby is crying at the same time every day, this is a much easier problem to have than a baby who is fussy all day every day.
As a mom of 5 and certified baby and toddler sleep consultant, trust me.
Depending on the time, there are a few likely reasons why your baby cries at the same time every day.
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If your baby cries at the same time every day in the late afternoon / evening period then…
When 5 or 6 pm comes around (sometimes 7 or 8pm depending on the baby) and your baby starts crying, you can typically think it’s a few main things.
First, it could be their witching hours. Witching hours are a super fussy time in that evening hour. They’re typically hard to console but can be minimized and prevented with a good routine, avoiding overtiredness, and getting baby to bed at a good hour.
Read here on how to end baby’s witching hour in 4 steps.
If your baby cries at the same time every morning or during the day then…
If you have a routine down pat for your baby then it’s easy to decipher what cries mean. If baby cries at a certain time, is fed, then perks up, you know it’s hunger. They’re crying as a signal they want to eat.
On the other hand, some babies will cry when they’re tired and then crying at a certain time means they need a nap.
So a good consistent daily routine that helps all of their needs be met in a timely manner will always help you decipher why baby is crying. Crying at very random times unexpectedly clues you in something else is happening as well.
Read: Is Sleep Training a Baby Bad or Dangerous? Let’s Talk Facts!
If baby cries at the same time every night then…
Often babies who aren’t able to transition through sleep cycles on their own have to cry to get mom to come to their aid. They want mom to do whatever it is mom did to GET them to sleep so they can go BACK to sleep.
For some babies, there’s a feed to sleep association. Meaning mom has to feed baby to get them to calm down and get to sleep. If that’s the case, they may wake up at the same time every night as a habit, to feed, to then calm down and go back to sleep.
Read on witching hours and how to cope here
Fast, simple, and free strategies to implement if baby can’t get to sleep, won’t stay asleep, or is unsettled in general.
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