We all enjoy that warm and cozy feeling that fall brings. Here are some quick and easy family tips to bring the season of fall into your home.
Are you ready for some simple tips on how to create a cozy and inviting feel to your home during this fall season?
First off, it’s worth noting that I’m more of a minimalist than a maximalist. That being said, here are some minimalist ways to help your family transition naturally into this season of fall.
It’s happening in nature, let’s let it happen in our homes… so we can have a more cozy and comfortable family experience.
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Change Routines & Rhythms
Think about your routines and rhythm. Now, change them up.
What are some of the routines that you do automatically around the house? Think of a routine that is something that you do routinely. Obviously, some of these naturally change with school time and summer.
One thing that I do in the evening is that I make sure all the bright overhead lights are off and I turn on lamps. This just makes everything feel super cozy and warm.
You can make this simple light change when it’s reading time with your kids or just together family time. Whatever it is, a simple lamp change or cozy blankets can make this time feel memorable.
You’re warm and cozying up beside eachother. A lot of bonding happens in the fall season.
Take our 3 day challenge to create life-giving family, child, and self-care routines.
Learn MoreThe key here is to use this season change as a time to connect.
Think about the rhythms and routines that your family does. What time do you normally eat? Could you do more things outside? Can you switch some things to create some bonding moments?
- With the weather changing, maybe it’s the perfect time for evening walks as a family.
Family Routines Reboot is a complete workshop on creating family and children’s routines. Within this, I teach about self care and maintaining healthy routines within your family.
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Do a Wardrobe Shift
This really helps get you settled into the fall season. It can be fun to shift wardrobes around in you or the kids closets.
- If you have all the kids things in one place, move the more fall clothes to the front. Then, move some of the bathing suits or whatever to the back.
- This is fun to do in your own closet. Now, if you’re in the “pre-fall” or “post-summer” transition… you may not want to put things into storage because the weather hasn’t exactly made up it’s mind yet.
- However, you can set some things aside and consider what you wore last year. Use this time as an enjoyable thing for you to do.
Here’s what I do: I put on an ambiance, play some relaxing music, get something nice to drink, and re-organize my space.
Settle Into Your Main Family Spaces
These are the areas you spend the most amount of time in. You know… the kitchen and living spaces can be “fallified” too. This could mean:
- Foraging for some flowers.
- Getting some fake (or real) pumpkins.
- Putting out some cozy blankets.
- Using a pumpkin dish for where your fruit goes.
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You can even use things that are on hand. Maybe some things that are orange or yellowish… mustard colors.
You don’t have to go overboard with seasonal decorating to make your main family spaces feel cozy. There’s so much that can be said about just adding a few touches here or there.
I just feels like a wholesome thing to do. It’s great for the home to have this warm and wholesome feel, especially with the world being so crazy out there.
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Learn MoreLook At & Revisit Your Cooking Habits
Let’s use some simple recipe switch-ups to make the home (and family life) feel more cozy.
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I get into some serious cooking funks. I have about 5-6 go to meals and then I just make them all the time. Overall, I think this is fine. However, when I decide to come out of it and add in some things, I like to make it seasonal.
Making some seasonal changes in your recipe routines can be simple but have a great cozy affect. Maybe you add in…
- some soups,
- the instant pot, or
- the slow cooker.
In the season of fall, you probably want to add in some warm/hot meals instead of the lighter summertime meals.
This meal planning and food staple guide will help you cut your meal prep and planning time in half.
Learn MoreThis can be an exciting time to refresh your cooking routine and get back in the groove of cooking at home.
There are so many online resources to help with this. I have recently discovered a site called budgetbytes. I thought this site was interesting because food prices are going up so much and she lists out each individual serving cost per meal. This may make you feel more in control of your meals.
I like to incorporate some more seasonal foods into our snacks as well. Maybe pumpkin bread for an after school snack or making homemade banana bread as a bonding activity.
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“Fallify” Your Books
Switching out your books can help your home feel a bit more seasonal and cozy. It can help you jump into the fall.
I love books. And… I really love kid books. My mom is a retired school teacher so she loves to give the kids books too. Therefore, we have a lot of books that pertain to the season. Books that are fall themed or Thanksgiving stories. We even have harvest and apple picking books.
Here’s a fun tip: keep your season books with the decorations for that season. Pack them away each year and get them out fresh each year. This way, they don’t loose the novelty of being special for that occasion.
I store my Christmas kid books with my Christmas decorations.
So, put them out with your decorations in a central location. The kids, and even yourself, will enjoy flipping though them.
My son enjoys reading The Hardy Boys series. There’s just something bout these books that feel very “back to school” or “fallish.”
Here are some books that I love that really speak to the season:
- Sharing the Bread – This is one of my favorites. It ties in some History and has a great Thanksgiving story. It has great illustrations and I think your kids will love it.
- Richard Scary’s To Market, To Market – I had not heard to Richard Scary’s books until I loved in Australia and England, but they are great. This one is fall themed and has lots of fun pictures for the season.
Read: All Time Best Thanksgiving Books For Kids & Adults
Bonus: Cozy Read
As a bonus, I couldn’t resist sharing what I’ve been doing recently. I will purposely get a cup of coffee or night time tea and cozy up.
I will be intentional in putting my phone away and just read a book. Or, even just sit there in a bit of silence.
There’s something about the peace and quiet that feels so good.
I may light some candles or even fake candles with a timer. I put these all over the house and it makes it feel super cozy this time of year. This is an easy way to sensory enjoy the cozy season of fall.
When we make a point to engage and enjoy the seasons, the kids will buy in and enjoy it too.
It’s a fun way for us to bond with the kids, slow down a little, and enjoy the fall season.
What is your favorite thing to do in the fall with your kids?
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I love having my kids create simple fall crafts and display them throughout the house – on the refrigerator, on the bulletin board, in my office, etc. We also hang up fall crafts they bring home from school and some of our favorites are stored away and brought back out from past years.
As a minimalist, I choose to have fall colored items throughout my house so that they can be used for longer periods of time. One way you could think about transitioning your decor from Halloween to Thanksgiving is using things that the holidays have in common: orange, yellows, browns, pumpkins, etc.
Make it enjoyable and something that you and your kids look forward to. I like to hang a fall decoration on the door, and we usually have pumpkins on our front steps because I love to add a little fall flair to our porch. Some other fun ideas could be getting a fall door mat, a door sign for your favorite football team, or some colorful gourds. Make it reflect your style and home and bring your kids in to help as a fun fall activity for the whole family!
Yes, as a Florida native we enjoy fall with decorating, doing fall crafts, reading fall books, etc. We just won’t get to dress in fall clothes for quite a while :)
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