The pros and cons of yoga pants!

Do you like to make lists? I like making lists. When I have a decision to make I do best when making a pro and con list. A decision, like, say, whether or not I should stop wearing yoga pants at home. It’s not life changing except, well… except it would be life changing to stop wearing yoga pants at home. And in public. Or at the least, to start wearing better yoga pants in public.
- pinpoint an issue
- draw out how it’s affecting you
- label what you don’t like about it
- determine areas of responsibility
- figure out how it’s showing up
- say what you’d rather happen
- brainstorm solutions
What's in this post...
The pros and cons of wearing yoga pants
Pro: they are comfortable
Con: they are so comfortable you sleep in them and then wear them again the next day
Pro: you can wear them a few times between washes
Con: wearing them a few times between washes deceives you into thinking you’ve lost weight
Pro: they are flattering
Con: they are probably only flattering on those for whom everything is flattering and for those of us whose vision is impaired due to lack of sleep
Pro: they can be worn at home, in public, and for working out
Con: they make you feel bad you don’t wear them for working out
Pro: they hide a multitude of sins
Con: they hide it so well you don’t realize you’ve been sinning until you’re forced to wear jeans
Pro: you can wear them with t-shirts
Con: t-shirts are never long enough to hide your VPL which forces you to wear the type of underwear that defeats the purpose of wearing comfortable yoga pants
(btw, why does this lady look like Angela Lansbury?)
Pro: they don’t require any trendy accessories except a FitBit
Con: your FitBit tells you that you barely walked 1500 steps which makes you wonder why you are so freaking tired
Pro: their medium to high waistbands hide the postpartum dunlop
Con: even the medium to high waistbands cannot hide postpartum love handles
After weighing the pros and cons of yoga pants I’ve come to the conclusion that yoga pants are pretty much perfect in every way. Unless you are running an errand and someone invites you to a spur of the moment party and you are actually able to go because, by a miracle, someone else has offered to watch all of your kids and then you realize that yoga pants can’t be worn to a party because, while they are versatile, they are simply not dressy enough.
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
But do you know what is comfortable enough to wear around the house and goes with t-shirts and hides your dunlop and (even better) your non-thigh gap? A maxi skirt.
Nice knowing ya, yoga pants.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
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Omg I’ve deginitely thought the Angela Lansbury thing too!
It’s been so obvious to me. Every time I see that I think Bedknobs & Broomsticks!
Rachel, this is so funny! And so true. It’s even worse (if that’s possible!) when you’re a practicing yogini ?