I have to confess… when I get busy I often let important things slide. I get so focused on our daily routine with 4 children that I let important things go. I heard it quoted from some great business leader (who I can’t remember his name so let me know if you know) that goes something like this….
“If you have to choose between the urgent and the important, choose the important. Because the urgent will always get done.”
And I find that to be true about creating and cultivating a spiritual atmosphere in our home. I realized a while back that while my heart cried out to God regularly (you know, prayers like “Help, help me, Jesus!”) I had failed to continuously bring God into our day to day life. I decided enough was enough and I needed to make easy sustainable habits with the kids so that I actually made our home a place they can meet with God.
I wrote the 5 ways I’ve started to do this in our home over on My Joy Filled Life. Click here to read more…
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