Merry Christmas, mama!
Here are three comfy splurge-y items to help you get through the winter :)
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Christmas Giveaway #3
So today I want give away something that is soft, lovely, cozy, and that you can wear around the house all day long (or even in public) without feeling like you’re in your pajamas.
So I’m giving away a lovely cozy cardigan for lounging or wearing every day.
a Rafflecopter giveawayChristmas Giveaway #2
I have heard how absolutely amazing these blankets are (there’s a SLEW of them in various styles) for years. Supposedly adults, kids, AND animals love them, ha! I haven’t even splurged on one myself yet, but would love to for you!
You can pick your own size and style.
a Rafflecopter giveawayChristmas Giveaway #1
These pajamas are like… the softest and best ever. They are pricey so that’s why I chose to giveaway a pair. They are somehow thick yet thin feeling and soft and light. The most comfortable pajamas I’ve ever worn!
The website has a WHOLE LOT of options and colors and you’ll get to pick your own :)
In case you’d never spend this on yourself but I’m happy to spend it on you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway::
I FaceTimed a friend last night and the first thing she said was wow, you look tired! Thanks friend! I struggle between wanting to look tired so people will know what a tough season I am in with two Littles, and at the same time I want to look pulled together. ? The struggle is real! Ha ha
I don’t think I’m tired…but one of the little boy’s I teach asked if I was tired because my eyes looked blue underneath.
I’ve been reading your blog for several years now since becoming a mom and have been so nurtured by your humor and encouraging, practical insights on how to do motherhood! Your sleep tips and routine cards have become foundations in our family life. I’m just so darn grateful for you!
I could put suitcases in the bags und eyes.
And, I really appreciate all you do. Thank you for your emails.
I love this! I feel the same way about my eyes!!
This would be wonderful, I’ve been wanting to try rollers! My husband asked me the other day what was wrong with my face…the answer, bags under my eyes from waking with the little one. (Not his finest moment, but he is amazing in many other ways!)
Hey, caught your comment,& just wanted to say , “If ya don’t win, tell your husband to get you one for Christmas.” ?My husband got me a set last year for Christmas,& I use it several times a week! We did have issues w the larger side popping out of you press too just press hard enough. You don’t need the most expensive -or the cheapest. A nice middle priced one should do. Mine was around $25 . It came in a storage box w a double sided roller, a jade scraper (which is more like a smoother lol, but feels AMAZING around/on the eyes!),& a Mask applicator . Also came w a little bag to keep everything in. Though, I just keep it in the box. He purchased It on EBay.
Hope u get one!
Peace & Blessings,
Such a great suggestion! All of these giveaways are amazing and definitely contributing to my Christmas list ;)
I would love to win this. I always wanted a face roller.
Such a great giveaway for a tired mama!
What a great giveaway! Yes my face often shows how tired I am. Mommy bags!
Yes, everyone tells me I look tired many times! I have dark eye circles both inherited and from lack of sleep of living with a toddler.
Yep. I’ve been told I look tired! My bags give it away.
What a nice thing to do – 12 days of Christmas giveaway.
I’m a new night shift nurse and it’s starting to show! These would be great!!
Your blog has been such a blessing to me on my mom journey. Thanks! ❤
Ummm, could totally use this. Not only does my face LOOK tired, it IS tired. ??
I’m a new mama of a little girl who is 3 months old! I cannot believe how quickly that time has gone but I definitely look as tired as I feel most days. I’ve made it a goal to try to do my makeup every morning before I sign on for work which has helped me feel a little more put together – and also forces me to take care of my skin at night before bed! This would be a wonderful addition to my attempts at building a skin care routine! :)
Yes! For sure have bags – haha. And those tools look lovely!
Yes I look tired a lot ? got a 15 month old who’s never been a good sleeper and struggles with teething 25 days out of the month… hopefully sleep comes soon!!!
I have been following you for two years! Thanks for all of the great info. ?
Yes! I look Almost as tired as I feel. ❤
I would love to reduce some eye wrinkles, turning 49 this month!!
I feel like I look tired. Dark circles & wrinkles under my eyes drive me nuts!
yes i hear tired all the time- i dont sleep well
Would love to win!! Three months in to life with baby #3 and I have never looked more tired!! ??
I definitely get the dark circles under my eyes when I don’t get enough sleep.
Day 1 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
What a wonderful way to give back to others! Thank you so much for doing this!
I can relate to most of your blog posts so much, because sometimes us Mom’s just need that little bit of oomph to get us through the day. Keep it up!
yay! im very happy to join this giveaway for christmas! I was looking into jade rollers to give as a present to myself this year(mom buying presents for herself…), so this giveaway is perfect!
one question: can international readers also join? I am a devoted reader from the Netherlands for 4 years now;)
I love your blog! You have great ideas and useful information! Thank you! ?
I could definitely use this!
Is this an international giveaway?
Yes! I hate when people say I look tired. No fun. Being a mom is hard work!
Yessss, always tired over here! I’ve always wanted to try one of those jade rollers.
Would loooooooove to win these. ? Definitely have those eye bags! ??
What a fun gift idea! I love all massages :P
How sweet!
Too often! Would love something to give my face some rejuvenation!!
Yes! I love your emails. They truly help me. I have 4 children from ages 16mo-9yrs & 3 of them are doing remote learning. And I do childcare for 2 other children who I frequently have for e-learning. The exhaustion is real!
Ive always wanted to try something like this! Definitely looking and feeling tired these days working from home with a kindergartner and a 1 yr old ?
One of the “luxuries” I missed the most when my baby was brand new– and which felt like I’m-giving-up-everything-that-made-me-me — was my “getting un-ready” routine at night. She’s 18 months and I still struggle to find time to shower regularly & rarely more than a single-step facial cleansing routine. That’s gotta change! Would love to have these items to feel more like “me”— especially since I’m pregnant and puffy!
Rachel, you have tons of useful articles! I could spend hours on your site.
I have definitely started to notice some lines on my forehead (from my “Are you serious?” expression I show my kids all the time). Also I’ve got some serious dark circles taking up residence under my eyes recently.
I’ve been wanting a jade roller! My face needs it!
I used to wear makeup every day bit decided a few years back to stop. I was sent home from work because I looked so sick and tired.
I have been told I look tired soooo many times (and it never feels good to hear). It’s just my face peeps! I have had slight bags under my eyes since I was a teenager. I think it’s genetic.
Even my 97 year old grandmother comments on how tired I look! ? I need all the help I can get!
What a wonderful treat this would be! As a momma of three little Ones my face has seen better days,however, as I look at my tired face I feel gratitude for this vocation of motherhood! Pampering myself would definitely be nice! Thanks for sharing!
This is so nice. Thank you for a change to win
Wow! I really need this! I am the one who told me how tired I looked.
I don’t just look/feel tired, I look/feel exhausted!
This winter weather really messes up the skin on my face too, so overall, I look a mess!
Thank you for doing what you do, it helps to keep me sane throughout the year ?
I feel like “tired” is my middle name!?
A jade roller sounds awesome. Right now my bags have bags. ?
I’m so happy I found you on internet with all those interesting and helpfull topic!!
I’m a mother of a 2 years old little girl and twins of 13 months of age, a boy and a girl. Thanks for letting me know there is a solution to my streets and tireness. Thanks for thinking about others.
Love this giveaway! Face help is always appreciated ?
The eye bag struggle is real. I may buy myself one of these bad boys just because!
Oh YES I am tired and have been told I look tired lol. Life with an infant! This would be great to perk up my face! Thank you!
People tell me I look tired all the time…. lol. Or they see me out with my kids and say “wow, you have your hands full!”
I’ve never used either of those. I wonder if they work?
I seem to have permanent bags and people can’t wait to point it out!
Yeah, sometimes people do say I look tired! I feel tired often.
Thanks for offering this giveaway!
These would be amazing! I am a school nurse and had to navigate the work-from-home with two kiddos under 4 this past year situation and I’m definitely on the lookout for anything that can help with self care as that has gone by the wayside.
My eyes always give me away. They’re puffy in the morning, & dark at night. I could definitely use these tools…or a week’s worth of sleep!
What a great gift idea!
I’ve not heard of an ice roller before, but I know a couple mamas who could use one.
Not sure it could remove the luggage sets from under my eyes, but if it could downsize to a carry-on bag, it’s a winner!
You make me smile whenever I see your emails and you have helped me through very difficult times as you are a light and like a friend I have never met. But you lift my spirits and bring much needed comfort as you dont pretend to be a super mom who hasi t all together.
This is so nice. Good work. I do look tired cuz I am tired. Ha.
I never knew tired until I had a baby! Haha!
Agreed! My 6mo was in our bed all night lol getting his top teeth already.
Well there’s tired, then exhausted ha! That’s where me and my husband are at. Triplet toddlers…nuff said ?. It probably says it on our faces too.
Thank you for the giveaway, I’d love to put my name in the pot.
More thank you for all of your helpful content!
I have bad sinus problems and have ben longing for an eye roller! Would love to win this!
Yes, tired mom over here, too. In SoCal, we never really opened up and virtual schooling 3 kids along with an active toddler boy has me going bananas often! I love the idea of facial massage rollers! I bet they feel great! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
2020 has definitely aged me a lot! Not just as a mom but a teacher trying to navigate teaching online ?
I think I hit the I commented button before commenting.
My girls and I would get so many uses from this set. We already like to paint nails, I braid their hair and let the girls use my natural lip balm as their “lipstick” ;D
My babes are having the hardest time sleeping and napping lately! These items would help me at least not look as tired as I feel!
Dark circles have become my norm ?? been wanting to try one of these rollers!!!
I’ve had cancer twice and now live with 30% lung capacity and I just smile real big when people tell me–and they do all the time!–that I look SO MUCH BETTER THAN LAST TIME THEY SAW ME!!! Honestly, I don’t know what it is,….it just makes me laugh AND roll my eyes! (when they’re not looking, of course)
Ahhh!! Sounds amazing! We’ve just moved cross-country (CA to GA), with a 1 year old, and I’m pregnant. Tired face? That’s every day! :)
Thank you Rachel. What a lovely giveaway! I’m not sure that you’ll post overseas but I like the idea of your giveaway anyway. :)
I have always been told how much younger I look than my age and how I don’t look tired at all…until my miracle blessing toddler arrived nearly 2 years ago, 6 years after his miracle blessing older brother. I don’t have huge bags and my dark circles aren’t super dark, but they’re there for the first time in my 45 years. With my deteriorating eyesight brought on by the tiredness, my glasses enlarge my eyes and make the circles more obvious! :D There’s a reason why most people don’t consciously wait till their 40’s to have kids. It’s another whole level of tiredness than even 38! It’s overwhelming at times. God is carrying us through but sometimes it doesn’t feel like there’s much clearance from the lapping waters! :)
This is a great gift for a mom, we will sleep when the kids leave for college….maybe!
Awesome giveaways. You always come up with very useful ideas.
Thank you.
Love this idea! Could totally use a bit of pampering :)
Early morning riser here! Love the idea of not looking like it! Also, FL sun ? does numbers on our skin right? I wish I could tan and not ?
I must be so tired that I can’t figure out how to enter to win? Haha. Maybe leaving a comment will help!
There’s a giveaway box. It didn’t display for me on mobile. I had to get on on desktop for it to show up.
7 kids and little sleep and left me with dark circles and eye bags and I look much older than I actually am! I don’t like looking at myself in the mirror anymore :(
Oh how I love coffee! I often tell my kids that it’s time for me to sit down, take a break, and sip on my sanity! Lol
I often get the “you look so tired…” comment and I always get back at them with, “well that was a nice way to tell me I look like shit..”
Yes! I have been breastfeeding 3 littles continuously over the last 5 years, without any breaks. Tired is an understatement!
Yes! My sister says I look tired and she knows me well! :-(
Got the day 2 giveaway, I accidentally hit the Pinterest mark and wasn’t able to delete the entry…sorry! I actually visited on Facebook. Hope my entry will still be counted. The mug would be AMAZING! ❤️
My mother-in-law loves to tell me how tired I look when we FaceTime! I have an 8 year old, a 4 year old, and a newborn… of course I’m tired! ? But it’s so worth it!!! I’ll take some sleepless nights just to be a mama and spend time with my kiddos! I love to sit and drink my coffee while snuggling with my babies and reading or watching TV. Little moments make it all worthwhile.
No matter how hard I try, it is so hard to fall asleep and stay asleep… equaling those wonderful little dark circles and bags! Thank goodness we have things that help us and not to mention our wonderful children’s smile in the mornings!
I have been told many times in my life I look tired…I just have some very natural dark circles ☺️
Love this giveaway. What a cool idea.
OMG This mama needs ALL the coffee and face rejuvenation possible with 2 little ones at home! What is sleep anyway? Thank you Rachel for the opportunity to win these giveaways! Hope you have a Have a Happy Holiday Season!
These ceramic mugs are gorgeous!! ??
Love the ceramic mug! My “quiet coffee time” every morning is life to me! And makes me a better mom!
I love the mugs and your posts they have really helped.
My Mother in law likes to tell me how tired I look every time I see her! I have four young children, I suppose I’m always going to look tired!
I have a new puppy and haven’t slept in weeks! I always look tired now!
Thank you for your kindness to all the mamas! Your advice and tools are all so helpful. And this giveaway is really sweet!
Day 2 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
I usually get that comment on a day where I don’t wear makeup. ?? Which rarely happens but I sure feel tired a lot! That mug is beautiful! I don’t have one that fits in my cup holder of my car so I don’t take tea with me too often- just an empty mug and a tea bag if I’m going somewhere that has water to fill it. (Usually church)
What a cool looking mug!
I am tired! So, if I get the comment I feel as if some one actually saw me :-)
That is such a pretty travel mug…you are spot on – it is lovely and useful! In these days of balancing practical for everyone else and pretty for me – it’s a great combination!
I was just noticing yesterday how completely exhausted I look on video! Counting down the days til Christmas break when I can take some time off to snuggle the babies (Assuming I get all my work done by then!)
I get told by a certain coworker ALL.THE.TIME. that I look tired. Well yeah, I have a 2 yo. Of course I look tired. I AM tired. But thanks for reminding me that I look terrible.
too often…this coffee cup would help perk me up!! :)
Another great gift, thanks!!
I’ve never had someone tell me I look tired but I feel tired plenty
These are great! I really would use that mug every day :). Beautiful!
I bought the routine cards for my 4 years old son. We use it a lot at bedtime! I printed them out and laminated them and we use it as a lil booklet very useful!
People tell me I look tired all the time. I have no idea if it’s my face or my eyes or the yawning or what.
I would love to have this coffee mug, so I won’t need to reheat my coffee every time I remember to drink it.
Since having my fourth I think my eye bags are here to stay ? lol
I ALWAYS look tired and people have told me that! :(((
I do look tired many days! Although sometimes my skincare and makeup hide it. Before I did those things, people said that I look tired!! :D
told i look tired allt he time
This is so awesome! Thank you for doing this! I was just saying to my husband that I wanted a ceramic to go mug for tea! This is fun!! Thanks again!!
great giveaway
The second day of Christmas – ANYTHING COFFEE RELATED – YES PLEASE – because coffee is a necessity when doing life 24/7 at home with little ones. These mugs are gorgeous.
Ha! I used to get that comment often, but not too much anymore. I’m not any more rested, so who knows ??♀️
That’s a beautiful mug!
Yes, my face shows my exhaustion every day!
Those mugs are adorable!! I need some caffeine every now and then… ;)
The mugs are cool! But I had no idea such a thing as those rollers existed before today.
What fun giveaways and perfect picks for us Moms! Thanks so much!
That mug is amazing!
I agree about routines! After I read my devotion and do a short workout to try and keep my brain healthy, I go to my kitchen and boil a bunch of water to make my tea and coffee for the day. I end up with a mug each of coffee and tea and about another 3/4 cup of each in travel mugs. My husband thinks it’s silly to use so many different mugs (travel and otherwise) but it is the only way I can have hot drinks throughout the day.
Haha. My kids seem determined to prevent me from drinking my beverages hot. If I try to microwave to warm them up, I just end up forgetting the drink is in the microwave. The struggle is real.
Thanks for the exciting giveaways!
Those ceramic mugs look exciting. that sounds like a perfect treat for my mornings!
My face usually doesn’t show how tired I am, but my body does. Everyone can tell when I am tired by the way I move. I tend to be peppy, but this year.. it has been all tired all the time. My motivating thought is usually “when can I go to bed”.
This giveaway idea is so inspired. And yes, I have so often been told i look tired….. I drink tea all say and love beautiful, useful things. The ceramic mug has become an object of desire for me! Love to you and your family, Rachel.
Our 10 month old is currently sick and my 4 year old said “mom your eyes are black, you must be soooo tired”….thanks little one, thanks a lot!
I have started using concealer for those undereye dark circles my daughter has so generously given me!
These mugs look great! Also love your routine cards, they’ve been helpful.
Love your blog! Thanks!
These giveaways are also great ideas for gifts! Each day, I’m like- Oh! I could give that to my Mom and sister!
No one has told me I look tired yet, but I’m always telling people how tired I am because I’ve had to switch to decaf. I’m super sensitive to caffeine right now. ?
fantastic giveaway and even better its all mama orientated. love it <3
This is a beautiful mug! Love all the colors ?
What a beautiful ceramic mug! Love your giveaways!
Love day 2, gotta have that coffee!
About one day a week I look like I got punched in the eyes because I wake up with two black eyes. I have a 12 month old and who wakes to nurse every night and it only takes about one night out of that routine (like waking twice…or more) to feel like I was hit by a mack truck I’m so exhausted. When it happened a couple days ago my husband said “It’s worse than you think it is” ?♀️ I think he meant that the other way around, but it sounded about right ?
Thanks for doing the 12 days of giveaways! Moms can always use a little encouragement.
Those ceramic mugs are gorgeous! I’m an all-things-warm drinker :)
I am thankful for the “touch up appearance” feature on Zoom to hide my tired eyes. But, even if I don’t look it in meetings, I feel it. These are great and I would use them all the time!
Beautiful mug! I might order one anyway! :)
Yes, I do have dark circles under my eyes.
I think I probably look tired all the time so not sure how different it would be than other times according to what people see :)
I would love to win these beauty products to help me naturally look more fresh and awake for the holidays with my sweet family.
Oh yes, my 20-year-old daughter bought me a jar of extra firming face cream. That’s a hint that mom is looking tired.
Love these giveaways! Thanks for pampering the mamas who need it so badly! I love the ceramic mugs!
I love the pretty mug. But I love the lid even more! Busy wife/mom/homeschool teacher goes hand in hand with cold coffee (and not in an iced kind of way). The lid is a lifesaver.
I’ve always wanted to try these! 40 has hit me hard!
Thank you for doing the giveaways! When my three year old plays mommy she says shes a tired mom..eek! Do I say it that much?!
thanks for the opportunity for the sheeets. maybe they would help me sleep
My eyes they don’t sparkle as much. I don’t smile as much. I try to get enough sleep but with a two year old who I have to wake up to take to the bathroom, I feel like I can’t get enough sleep. Anything will help me look less tired and maybe I will sleep better as well. Thanks for all these giveaways!
A silk pillowcase! They’re so great for curly hair and reducing frizz; I’ve been meaning to get one. I didn’t know about the wrinkles, but I’ll take any help I can get!
What a great giveaway series… thank you so much! I definitely think my face looks tired most days. 4 kids, one is a newborn and homeschooling.. it’s been a tiring year to say the least!
Oooh I love that seafoam green mug! And I am extra tired as baby girl was up all night lol
These giveaways are great!! As moms we often forget to put ourselves on the list.
I’ve been hoping for even just a silk pillowcase for quite awhile now! The lady who cuts my hair said it would really help my hair…. and my hair really needs the help ?
I think most of my friends know that I am always tired and they don’t dare to say it. We need people to encourage us to keep going. Thank you!
Even though the 12 days of Christmas traditionally after Christmas Day, this is a fun and generous giveaway!
I’m also glad to see by the comments I’m not alone in the tired/frazzled looking category lol
When I was in graduate school waiting for the bus, a casual acquaintance who waited at the same stop as me every day told me one morning that I “looked more tired than usual”. That comment was more than 10 years ago, before kids,butI sstill rremember being insulted. Then having a conversation with him about how that wasn’t appropriate. He was an awkwardsscientist .
What a lovely idea, for this Christmas especially. Thanks Rachel!
Day 3 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
12 days of giveaways, what a wonderful idea! Thank you for the fun! (Definitely could use more of that this year ?)
Mother of 3, energetic boys here! (Ages 8, 5 & 4).
Tired. ALWAYS tired!!
They looks so soft and cozy! Thank you!
Silky sheets would definitely make me feel like I’m at a luxury hotel too! So fancy!
Oh dear, I do think it does! :) :) It’s just so hard for me to get to bed on time when my kiddo is home from school & my schedule gets a little fuller!
I get told I look tired ALL the time! No fun!
Silk sheets! How luxurious! I have dreadlocks and have heard that silk makes hair less frizzy- that would be so nice!
About being tired- I don’t normally get comments that I look tired, which is a good thing I suppose! My kids are getting older so I actually get to sleep most nights but that definitely wasn’t always the case. ? There were many long years where I felt like a walking zombie. Hang in there, Mamas of littles: it does get better eventually! ?
What a great thing to giveaway!
Oh my… such a wonderful giveaway! Silk sheets!!!
The silk sheets look and sound lovely! Thanks for doing the giveaways.
I think I am past the point of people even needing to tell me I look tired. It is just so obvious! I think they are afraid they will crush my spirit. LOL ?
Never tried silk pillowcases. I bet they do feel amazing on your face!
I’ve heard Silk pillowcases are good for your hair too so no winter frizzies!
Yes I look tired!
Yes I have been told nurmerous times I look tired,….I feel tired as well! I have 30% lung capacity from a life saving bone marrow transplant that saved my life,…but graft versus host disease which comes along with a BMT continues problems for me! We found out when our daughter was 1 1/2 years old that I had this condition, and I prayed to my Lord Jesus Christ that He would give me enough years to get my daughter thru high school,…now she’s in 8th grade and He has kept me so far! I’m in perfect hands!
“Silk Sheets”… Do they feel like those two words together sound?
Yes please!!
I dont understand why if Im only turning 38 next week I look sooooo old
Would love to win this.
This is sooo appreciated this time of year! This year has been a particularly stressful year, and a little pampering goes a long way to lift my spirits! Thank you!!
The mug looks beautiful and I would love to use it for my drinks!
Ooooooh. A silk pillowcase would be amazing!!!
Silk sheets! Amazing! My toddler has curly hair and could sooo use this! Thank you!
Silk sheets sound lovely
I’m one of those crazy people that takes their pillow if they are staying anywhere. It’s become an inside joke with my family. One of my goals is to eventually get a silk pillowcase for my precious pillow. I’ve heard they are amazing.
This ceramic travel mug is beautiful and very useful.
Thank you for all of your advice. In my free time, I often read one of your articles or return to ones I’ve read before! Burdens have rolled off my shoulders! You’re a blessing!
Those sheets look luxurious!
Day 3-Thank you for doing these giveaways! I don’t know if I’ll luck out with any of them- but they all look great so far!
Very lovely…. Day #3
Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful sheets!
I have three littles four and under and number 4 on the way, so my skin and curly hair can use all the help they can get these days! The sheets look absolutely lovely!
I don’t always wear makeup when I’m home all day, but today I really wished that I had put on some under-the-eye concealer every time I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror!
The silks sheets look amazing!!!
My husband (in his gentle way to encourage me to rest more) told me I looked tired… It was hard to take it as an encouragement to sleep and not a ‘you look haggard!’ :)
Just shared this with my friends on Facebook! You have been a lifesaver for so many moments of second guessing my intuition as a mother. Hugs!
Thank you for this!
I’m in the process of a bedroom makeover- trying to give us that fancy feeling at home….these sheets would be perfect!!
Thanks for all your tips, advice, and Encouragement!
Baskets help us go from untidy to tidy in minutes! Those look beautiful and useful!
I had a nice basket we were using for blankets. Then the kids ruined it and the dog chewed it up. We’re still using it. Send help (and cute baskets!) lol.
A basket of some sort is a great idea to keep my stairs clear of being the “drop zone” for everything that needs to be brought up and put away!
These baskets are already on my Christmas list! Yay!
I absolutely love baskets for helping to keep the house tidy and organized! I love the canvas tote style!
Actually, it’s almost frustrating because so many people tell me I ‘look great’ and must ‘feel great’. which is sweet, but I’m exhausted and barely holding it together! haha.
Tired? Ha! I run a small business and manage a toddler while also working a part-time job. Tired is nice when I hear it :) Most often I hear “wow, you look exhausted”. But, I love what I do and wouldn’t change it for the world so I’ll continue to take it as a compliment.
Thanks for doing a giveaway! Yes I am tired!!
Can you please tell me where I can you buy these, if I don’t win?
First! This is amazing. Second. Thank you for your YES! Third. How do we enter?
Those baskets are definitely going on my list!
I love the baskets! and that is exactly what my kids would do–dump everything out and sit in it! :) love it
I am absolutely tired! Concealer is my bff when I have to leave the house so I don’t look like I got punched in the face! lol
Silk Sheets! Those look incredible!
Would love to be entered – your information is amazing and SO helpful!
Oh I could totally use one of those baskets for our blankets..they end up strewn around the house and I’m constantly folding them! Love this giveaway!
Day 4 of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway
I would love these baskets! We moved recently, are living with my parents temporarily while looking for a new home, and my kids leave toys and knickknacks all over their (very neat and tidy) house. ?
Someone just told me I looked tired a few days ago. I wanted to reply, “well, I’m making a baby here so that may be the reason.” :) But I held my tongue.
Day #3 – This Mommy of 9 could definitely use some luxury at the end of the day!! I love that you are so thoughtful in your gifting ideas to moms!! Thank you for always understanding!!
Day #4 – LOVE these baskets!! So needed to keep things looking neat and tidy! Thank you!!
This is an amazing giveaway!
I just assume that because I feel tired I must look tired ? but no I don’t usually have people tell me that I look tired.
Love this giveaway! Would love the silk sheets for some extra self care!
Silk sheets! I do the curly girl method for my hair and silk sheets are an awesome way to keep the frizz down and protect your curls at night! I would freak out if I won these! :)
Thank you for everything you do!
Baskets are great for toys and stuffed animals.
Those baskets are so cool!! And yes sometimes I look tired. Doesn’t everyone?
Thankfully the few people I see these days are too polite to say I look tired but I don’t even recognize myself in the mirror! I not only look tired, I look old and haggard! It has been a year to say the least.
I am constantly being told that I look tired…and guess what, I am tired! Thanks for the tips!
Day #4- love these, so cute!
thannks for the opportuniyt
No one has ever told me that I look tired, except my husband!
SIlk sheets oh my!
Baskets are always useful, I have several but more can always be put to use. My favorite is the pink one with a Llama on it I found for my girls’ toys in the living room.
I don’t think I look as tired as I feel sometimes! Maybe I would get more help if I did. :)
I love this! THanks for bringing us all a little Christmas Cheer with this one!
I love the baskets, they would be great for my organization of 9 cats – 3 of them kittens we just fostered.
The sheets would be great for my tired body to help me get a great night sleep.
Love these prize ideas. Thanks.
I feel like I always look tired.
I’ve heard silk sheets are really good for your hair.
This canvas basket is beautiful and useful! Love it!
Love this!! These sheets look amazing and so comfy. Love having baskets around the house for organization that’s cute :D
Why is that always the first thing people say! My husband and I joke all the time, we know it’s the first thing out of my mom’s mouth every time she sees either of us. Ma, I look tired because I am tired. Lol
Cozy slippers and coffee! Two of my favorite things on a chilly winter day!
They look so cozy! Thanks!
Thanks for doing this giveaway! What fun items!
Day #5 – My feet would LOVE those cozy slippers! What a wonderful Mommy gift!!
Oh I LOVE canvas baskets!!
Slippers are my love language… ;)
I’m loving these baskets and slippers!
I do have people tell me that occasionally, but sometimes, it’s just that my mental tiredness is showing through, or that I’m caught up in negative thinking. It’s crazy how much that can affect you physically.
The slippers look heavenly!
Love these giveaways – and I am slipper-obsessed. Its not particularly cold in Los Angeles, but can be in the early morning and late evening. And I LOVE your pajama projects. :-)
Slippers?! Yes please! We have tile and slippers are a must have in the colder weather!
5th day of Christmas giveaway! Yessss cozy slippers!! :D :D
Those look like some cozy slippers!
My husband comments on how tired I look on the long days he’s at work. I don’t feel it but I guess I look it.
It’s amazing how much moms are on their feet over the course of a day. Ah, the idea of putting on cozy slippers and cozying up after everyone is in bed . . .
We have a granddaughter on whom this basket would look amazing : )
What comfort and warmth it is to have these slippers to wear! I always were shoes in the house and we live in Canada where winters are chilly.
My slippers are so done. I could use some new ones!!
Day #5 is looking comfy!
Maybe I feel more tired than I look sometimes, at least thats what I tell myself. But reading your blog posts defintely helps me mom better, thank you!
I go through slippers like water. I wear them out so quickly because I love them so much. I even wear them in the summer!!!
Oh my word! Yeeessss! So tired these days! Between another staggered virtual school schedule for my 5 kiddos and the never-ending Christmas to-do list, I can’t keep up!
I am feeling tired!!! I need these badly!
Love the different gift ideas, thank you
No I don’t get told I look tired but I feel tired at times.
Love this makeup bag! You are so thoughtful. Thanks for helping me shop for my whole family!
Love the beauty organizer! Just moved into a new house and things definitely need some organizing…
My makeup brushes are falling apart! ?
I’m sure my daughters would like to share this with me!!!
Always trying to find something to brighten my face so I don’t look tired.
Day 6 of giveaway- yes please! :)
These giveaways are amazing!
We were with some friends two days ago and she told me I looked horribly tired. Babies do that to you but I’m just learning to do some better quality self care.
Day #5 Christmas Giveaways
Day #6 Christmas Giveaways
Love the make-up organizer! Personally I only wear make-up if I know I’m going to be seeing people other than my kids that day… lol
My makeup could definitely use some organization!
I love this makeup organizer! Super convenient! ?
Thanks for what you do Rachel – I’ve followed you for along time, used your resources and generally feel like I’ve not been alone in the mothering journey as reading your blog makes me feel like I’m not alone & your king of like my girlfriend next door going through the same thing.. God Bless you and your family truly an honour & pleasure!!! Oxox
This neck massager would be AMAZING! Hunching over baby for breastfeeding for over a year now has a way of straining the neck, shoulders, and upper back! Not to mention picking up and holding a growing baby.
Chiropractors through the years have often commented on the tension in my shoulders. That massager looks like a God-send!
The neck massager would be amazing. Bending over desks all day makes my upper back and neck sore. This would be a God send.
Yeah, I get told a lot that I look tired. Sometimes even like I look sick. ha. It’s just part of parenthood, isn’t it?!
Even as a newer grandma, I find a lot of encouragement and instruction from your site. Thanks for all of it and thanks, too, for this contest. Though I may not win, the way you’re thinking of all the moms and grandmas is heartening.
I suffer from headaches due to muscle tightness in my neck and shoulders and would loooove a massager. Then my husband can take a break! Thanks!
These giveaways are so wonderful, thanks for the chance to win! I am crossing all fingers and toes for the massager! haha
The neck massager looks amazing. I hope I win that one. As a homeschool mom, working from home, and dealing with chronic illnesses I would put it to good use!
I bet we could all use a massage!
My husband will occasionally comment on the dark circles under my eyes, but more common—the mirror tells me how tired I look. The neck massager would be the perfect way to unwind and relax after putting the kids to bed at night.
Day 7 of Christmas giveaway. These are all amazing gifts! :D
Love day 6 giveaway. 8 months pregnant with baby #3 and could really use some neck R&R!!
Oooo yes for makeup brushes! My 2 daughters have already taken most of mine for their use, lol.
Thanks for doing this wonderful giveaway!:)
Yes, not the best compliment, but people do say that!
What a nice massager! I hold my tension in my neck and shoulders so this would be perfect!
Day 8 of giveaway! I’ve never tried the salt lamp, but have been curious about it. Thanks!
Great giveaway! I have a salt lamp and really like it.
Oh that Neck Massager looks amazing….
I agree that salt lamps can be beautiful and calming, however, please make a note warning of their toxicity to pets. They are very tempting for cats and dogs to lick on, but even small amounts can lead to sodium poisoning which can cause severe pain, vomiting, seizures and even death :(
Sometimes my face looks tired and yes, people have said I look really tired.
These giveaways are amazing, such thoughtful items that sound like they would ease the tiredness away. Thank you!
Day 7 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
Day 8 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
I could really use the calming salt lamp. What a stressful year!
This neck massager looks amazing! Wow! I would love to give that to my 86 year old mother. I think she needs this more than me~
Suffering from Chronic fatigue doesn’t help when you are sleep training a young toddler who is just learning independence and the word No… had a few 1 hour long sleep training sessions recently and early wake ups… would love any of these prizes thank you for doing this Rachel
I’ve had people tell me I look tired before:( Not very often- not that I don’t look tired but that most people are used to it!
That neck massager would put me into heaven on earth.
We love salt lamps! We have one in our son’s room as his night light.
The neck massager would be amazing. I get told that I look tired sometimes, and this massager seems to be a life saver.
I’ve never tried the salt lamp and I would love to try it.
Ooo, those salt lamps look beautiful and with so many boys in my house, calming would be great!?
Salt lamps look so pretty, I don’t know if they work but I absolutely love that rosy hue they give off.
I don’t have a Facebook or an Instagram so I hope this doesn’t hurt my chances too bad. But these are some great gifts for a tired mama. Especially one of 3 under 3 lol
I am a teacher librarian to 140 students a day…uh, yes my face (and every other body part) look tired :0)
I’ve never heard of a headache cap… I’m intrigued!!
I always know I need more sleep (or more makeup) when people either tell me I look tired or ask me if I’m sick! Either comment lets me know I’m not looking too hot!
Between the headache cap and the salt lamps, I’m hoping to move from ‘Are you ok?’ to ‘You look tired’. Haha
Ahhh would love to win the headache gear for my mom!!
Day 9! Maybe I’ll still get lucky for one of these!
Wow! This may be the most comments I’ve seen on here at once! ?I just wanted thank you for doing these giveaways! What a wonderful way to stir up excitement while we go thru so many ups & downs during this unique holiday season! Great work always!
Your site has helped my family & I numerous times when no other site was helpful!
When I was pregnant w my 1st (19yrs ago) I read EVERYTHING I could get my hands on about pregnancy, babies, child development, parenting ,etc . This was on top of my already plethora of experience & knowledge about rearing children (from having a big family, loads of babysitting,& classes). I wanted to do everything right. I didn’t understand parenting is STILL a learning experience,& sometimes you have a child who doesn’t fit any mold. Just like me, my children did not Fit the mold! My 3rd more so than the other 2. It was because I was looking for help with her that I found your site a few years ago!
My daughter is most different lol. She’s highly intelligent, but very sensitive to stimuli. When she wants to do something , there’s NOTHING you can do to change her mind . Authoritative parenting does NOT work with her (just as it did not w me lol). Due to My authoritative upbringing, I was at a loss! How do you teach right & wrong when punishments just blow up in your face!?
It was your posts & articles about Love & …I can’t remember the name. You have me these little tips & tricks that helped me to slow everything down enough to where I could stop myself from losing it & find solutions! I am forever grateful!
Currently in the process of reprogramming MY conditioned responses to her behavior.I WILL do it better than my mother ! Instead of pushing my will on her, I will find ways to get through to her in ways she will respond positively to,& in ways that make her understand ! I was punished many times ,& didn’t understand why.
I couldn’t have gotten here without this sites help! Thanks a million!
Hope everyone’s holiday season is magical!
Peace & Blessings,
Day #9 Christmas Giveaways
I definitely look as tired as I am! :)
Day #9… Very cool! Feels like I always have a headache these days lol.
I love the idea of a scalp message, especially with my headaches looking forward to the hat.
Absolutely!!! I’ve been joking how I look like the disinterested giant cat face on one of my Christmas sweatshirts!!! But we love our 15-month old grandson so, so much. It’s worth any loss in sleep we might suffer (mostly lol).
I always celebrate any holiday I can, even if I have to make one up lol!!! Setting a “mood” in any room or place is quite easy. Color choices, lighting, decorations, even low level music helps. Simply choose if the “mood” you’re after is calming, exciting, fun, childish, playful, nature related, theme related, etcetera.
I could certainly use this scalp massager and hat,but my best friend needs it more than I. She is the mom of a wonderful autistic boy, and suffers frequently from headaches, so I would give this set to her.
Love these! My face doesn’t show how tired I am! Of course not!
Love your page!
this would be would be wonderful My oldest & I have been cleaning what was basically a hoarder’s basement in order to install a furnace into his house. The work has been backbreaking but necessary and had a deadline. Oh boy, wouldn’t a soak do me some good afterwards!
The bath caddy and candle are wonderful. This would be wonderful as I’m always nervous when reading in the tub!
This has been fun! Thanks rachel.
And Yes! I have been told I look tired.
This is such a great thing you are doing! You help me keep the sanity in my life day to day, especially in this time of Covid and homeschool. Grateful to know there are others out there like me!
One of the most effective ways for me to unwind is to take a bath!
Always being told I look tired. I tend to start work between 3am-5am. Normally not a problem for me. Add in a 1 year old who doesn’t sleep through the night, and I’m exhausted even on the few days I don’t go into work until 10am.
Thankfully, I have not received a lot of comments that I look tired. Those who have said it are dear friends and also ask if I’m okay and how they can help.
I’m loving this series. What a fun, creative way to share your favorite things!
Love the bath caddy… We could all use a relaxing bath every now and then. Or everyday, lol
Ooh a bath caddy for Mamas, I don’t take baths, my girls do but I just might start with something like this at home!
Thanks Rachel for all these fun finds! Giving me good ideas for Christmas presents ;)
Oh my gosh, Right now yes my face looks like I am tried. I need a break. I also have had that bath caddie on my amazon list of years and still have not got it.
Thanks so much for the chance to win these lovely gifts!
I have never heard of a headache hat—intriguing!
Day 10: Oh! These have all been great- but I’d LOVE this one!! :D
Sometimes having a toddler running around all day with having to work from home and being in the midst of preparing for Christmas lunch and having in-laws cover can be stressful! So I could definitely use this bath caddy!
Day 10 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
Day 11 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways
Diffusers are my favorite! I have a very strong sense of smell and so I use a diffuser often.
The gifts are all so thoughtful! Thank you for thinking of so many ways to bless us this season!
No, I don’t really hear that I look tired! I think I do though because I have permanent dark circles under my eyes. :P
The diffuser is the best giveaway so far!
Hah, read my mind. I was just looking at diffusers on Amazon.
I have just started to really like taking baths again. The item would be perfect for holding up my books.
Diffusers are such a blessing for keeping the yucky germs at bay. This will truly be a blessing to whomever receives it.
ooohhh I’ve never had a diffuser and that one is gorgeous. Thanks again for the giveaways!
Even before kids I had dark circles under my eyes-now there’s really no mistaking I’m tired ?♀️
We love diffusers!
Thank you for such lovely giveaways! A diffuser is actually on my Christmas list. My oldest has officially entered the nightmare realm of teenage hood this year, so this mama needs some calm!
Wishing you and your family a very merry Christmas xx
This has been the best giveaway! So many great things. I would love them all! Thank you and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, happy, and blessed New Year!
What a beautiful quilt!
Love a good diffuser especially if it’s pretty!
Thank you for this fun addition to the season. Merry Christmas to your family!!!
Yep, my kids tell me I look tired! Lol
That quilt looks so comfortable!!
The quilt looks so cozy!
Wow! What a beautiful blanket!
Unfortunately yes, my sister-in-law is always telling me that I look tired.
You can never enough blankets and it is always true you need enough for each person!!! They always want what you have!! This quilt is beautiful!!
Have been looking for a quilt for our daughter as we transition her to her own bed, love these!
Yes, everyone but my husband has told me at various times “you look tired.” My husband said to me about five years ago when I asked how my face looks, “Face it, this is as good as it’s going to get!” I. Cant. Believe. You. Just. Said. That. To. Me. I ALWAYS try to be positive! Oh, well, I have to laugh because I married him,….hahaha, heeheehee, he’s really a SUPERB HUSBAND IN EVERY WAY!
Thank you so much for doing these giveaways! What a lovely thing to do!
When someone says “You look tired!” I always say “Wow, that’s so weird because I feel great! How do you feel?” :-D
Quilts are a necessity this time of year anywhere. When I was little I would curl up with my blanket, a book, and something to drink. The cat would follow me around the house because he knew that when I was holding a book, it meant a lovely warm nap for him! Lol Thank you for these 12 days of giveaways, I never win but it is fun to play anyways. ?
I love quilts!!! Such artwork to enjoy!
What a cute boy under such a beautiful quilt!
Love the diffuser and blanket… Very good comfort items!
Those quilts look soooo cozy! Thanks you!
What an awesome idea for Christmas. Would be fun to win, but fun to see someone passing along Christmas cheer.
That diffuser is beautiful!!!
Day 12 of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways! So sad it’s over :( Good luck to all!
I know when one thinks of Australia it’s not cold winters that come to mind, but our winters can get really cold so blankets always come out for snuggling. I’d love the addition of such a beautiful quilt.
Thank you for sharing this amazing giveaway! Merry Christmas
Day 12: the blanket looks so cozy!!
The struggle to balance all the things is real. I love the idea of cozy everything after a long day teaching and then sort of “round 3” at home with my own kids. Thanks for all your fun info and real content.