What if, as women (mothers, future mothers, sisters, aunts, mentors, teachers and friends) we did more than just survive the day? Can we make it until 5:30pm when dad gets home? If I can just get to the weekend, I can relax. Maybe next year things will be easier. Life can become a series of survival dances that actually prevent us from digging in today – in the present – to invest in our world’s future.
“Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and destitute.
Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.” Psalm 82:3-4
Let’s not debate nurture vs. nature here. Instead, let’s embrace them both as avenues to mould, shape and enable the lives of our children – and the children around us – to go out and change the world. What if our parenting had a strategy and a purpose? What if the purpose was bigger than just having nice and well-behaved children? Goals and vision bring energy and focus to the day-to-day humdrum-ness of parenting. Without vision people perish, and without a parenting vision so do our energy and patience.
“But when the people of Israel cried out to the Lord for help, the Lord
raised up a Rescuer to save them.” Judges 3:9
God is in the business of Raising Rescuers, so let’s be about God’s business. Raising Rescuers is a movement to change the way we parent. To bring God into the picture, yes, but not to settle for nice obedient children, scared to get in trouble. Let’s Raise Rescuers who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty to help others. Rescuers and heroes who will stand up for what is right, even against adversity and evil. Let’s raise our children to take on the enemies of our world in battle (poverty, homelessness, the sex trade, cruelty, abuse, injustice) and come out victorious. Can we raise children who are kind yet courageous, gentle yet fierce, meek yet strong? I believe that with God’s help, we can.
“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older,
they will not leave it.” Proverbs 22:6
How do we do this? Doesn’t this sound a little pie-in-the-sky? Yes, it probably does. But, you know what? So does salvation, healing, deliverance, and peace that surpasses understanding. We can experience these things through Jesus Christ and I believe that Raising Rescuers is a mission that Jesus would have us go on. Not just to give our days purpose, not just to raise well-rounded, intelligent and strong children, but to make a difference in the dark places of this world. The bible speaks of widows, orphans and the poor. Are we nervous to be around those who aren’t like us? Do our comfort zones keep us from really embracing the call of God on our lives? Let’s raise children who don’t have the comfort zones we do and who are used to serving, saving and rescuing others so that they turn into adults who do it on a larger scale.
“May our sons flourish in their youth like well nurtured plants. May our
daughters be like graceful pillars, carved to beautify a palace.” Psalm 144:12
How do we do this? Well, that is where you come in. We want to do this together and learn from one another. Even from a young age children can be taught to serve, love others, and show respect. There’s no need to take a two-year old out onto the mission field to learn, although that is surely one way. In a child’s everyday environment there are opportunities for you to teach courage, bravery and loyalty. You can help instil protective instincts, conflict resolution skills, and how to speak the truth in love. These are big concepts, but even a child can learn when they mend a bird’s wing. Even a toddler can learn to be gentle and servant-hearted towards their siblings. Even an elementary school child can learn to accept the outcast and stand up for what they believe in. Even a middle schooler can mow the lawn or clean the house of the elderly.
“And you must commit yourself wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you
today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home
and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7
How to Raise Rescuers will mean something different to every mother, and I hope this will help reflect how different and unique God has made us all. You may raise a girl skilled in sewing to clothe the cold and homeless. You may raise a handyman-boy skilled in carpentry who can fix, repair and build things for those who cannot afford it. Perhaps your teach your Sunday school class how to cook, and they can learn to feed the hungry or those in need. Maybe you love entertaining and teach your children the fine art of hospitality. These are all ways to enrich, enlarge and equip your children to be able to give and serve later. I hope the concept of Raising Rescuers will be specific enough for you to be envisioned, inspired, and to share your thoughts and ideas. And we hope it will be general enough that you will be free to think outside the box and inspire us all to greatness in parenting, mentoring, and teaching of the next generation. Join me on this great and noble mission to change the world, one child at a time.
“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up the whole body.
So it is with the Body of Christ.” 1 Cor. 12:12, 14
I want my children to be true heroes as they walk along their paths of life. And I pray they are pulling people out of the ditches left and right as they go by.
If you have a story, an idea, a testimony, or something you feel that other mothers could benefit from in this arena of the spiritual life and parenthood, I’d love to hear it! I invite you to write a guest post to be featured here on the blog. Your topic can be as general or as specific as you choose.
When submitting a post please include:
- at least one quality photograph
- your blog address, if applicable
- a short bio detailing anything at all you you wish {ie. how many children you influence, where you live, your hobbies and passions, etc.} If you prefer to remain anonymous, please attach a bio nonetheless and your name will not be published
Email your submission to I personally read and respond to all submissions and enquiries, and cannot wait to hear from you and be inspired!