I used to be a mom who spent my days weary, anxious, and guilt laden. I had five kids in five years, lived on three different continents, and then was blindsided by a devastating health diagnosis.
Neglecting my own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long—in an effort to be a selfless mother—had left me utterly depleted. And physically unwell.
Then I began asking a question I’d never considered before…
Could it be that taking good care of yourself is not actually selfish, but maybe, just maybe, something a responsible adult does?
Join me as we dive into the main areas of life causing moms to lose it… and how to get your peace back.
If you pre-order my book, not only will you get entered in to win the Mom Care kit giveaway ($500 worth of good stuff!) you’ll get sent my Limit Locator and Boundary Builder sheets which will help you figure out where things are going sideways in your family, and how to fix it!