Inside you’ll find some products every mother needs on Subscribe & Save with Amazon. Post contains affiliate links.
“How long have you had those toothbrushes?” my mother asked me.
Distracted, I wrangled my child onto the counter so I could attempt a Tooth Brushing Session.
With 5 kids ages 6 and under, the bedtime hours are insane. They are half parts sweet and half parts sour. You never know what you’ll get until 6:30 p.m. rolls around.
Someone who is NOT potty trained is running around naked, someone is asking for another book, someone knows they’ll have a nightmare so they need the light on and – by the way – they think playing with toys for a while would help.
“A few months? Six months? Longer?” my mom kept asking. “They look worn out. You know what Ms. Connie told me the other day?“
Ms. Connie is our neighbor and friend who also happens to be a nurse.
“She said the minute your child gets sick you should throw away their toothbrush.
Use a new one then, as soon as they are well, throw THAT toothbrush away and get a brand new one.
That way they aren’t brushing their teeth for months with a bacteria covered toothbrush.”
I can’t even pretend to know how long I’d had those toothbrushes, but you better believe I threw them out.
Now… I get them in the mail.
A few months ago I found the Subscribe & Save feature on Amazon Prime and it has become a lifesaver for us.
Here’s how the Subscribe & Save program works:
- You choose which products you use regularly.
- You decide what frequency you’d like them delivered (every month, every two months, every 5 months, etc.).
- You get notified when your items will ship and you receive them automatically.
Meal Planning, Pantry, Kitchen Troubleshooting, Morning Routine, Evening Routine, Daily To Do’s, Chores, Cleaning, Family Priorities, Monthly Goals, Financial Goals, Debt Payoff, Let It Go Inventory, and more!
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Another Big Benefit
Another big benefit of using Subscribe & Save is that you get a discount depending on how many items you get automatically shipped. So you can save up to 20% on some items simply because they’re shipping to you.
- You get things sent straight to your door
- You don’t have to worry about remembering to add it to the list or ordering it
- You save money by having it ship automatically based on how many items you select
- You were going to spend the $ anyway so now it’s simply automated
To me, it’s a win win.
10+ Things Every Mother Needs on Subscribe And Save from Amazon
Every family has different products they consume on the regular, but the Subscribe & Save program has hundreds if not thousands of products available. I spent time walking around the house looking for items we always seem to “run” out of and forget to pick up at the store.
As well as items I often forget to replace, but that need replacing regularly for hygienic purposes.
These are things you will have to replace regularly anyway, so why not get them shipped automatically to your house with FREE shipping (included with Amazon Prime) and also have boxes for your kids to play in!
Read: Common Habits Of Organized Stay At Home Moms (With Printables)
1. Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
Dentists suggest changing your toothbrushes every 3 to 4 months. Seriously! Most people don’t do this because who remember? Plus, if the toothbrush looks fine and works it doesn’t really “run out.”
We get toothbrushes come on rotation every 3 months now. They’re inexpensive so this isn’t a big expenditure, it’s just more sanitary than keeping your toothbrushes for months and months.
Subscribe and Save: Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
2. Sponges
Depending on how often you sanitize your sponges, you’ll need to replace them on the regular as well. If you buy less expensive sponges they actually wear out and aren’t as effective quickly.
The more expensive ones last longer, but will still need replacing every few months if you don’t sanitize them regularly. You can choose on the Subscribe & Save to get your sponges sent every few months as you think they need.
Subscribe and Save: Sponges
3. Trash bags
We often run out of trash bags, I’m not sure why. These things are staples that need replacing regularly. We use one trash bag per day in the kitchen, so we need replacements each month at least.
If you have a lot of rooms and want to keep trash bags handy in different sizes, ordering them through Subscribe & Save is easy and convenient.
Subscribe and Save: Trash bags
4. Dish soap, Dishwasher Detergent, and Laundry Detergent
You probably have a fairly predictable dish washing routine. We typically do 1.5 loads a day. Meaning we do a load a day and an extra load every couple of days. So, that means around 45ish loads a month.
Now we get dishwasher pacs and dish soap delivered so I don’t have to, ahem, leave dirty dishes in the sink because we’re out of both.
Subscribe and Save: Dish soap and detergent
In just 15 minutes a night (while you’re in your pajamas!) take your home (and heart and mind) from stressed out to organized.
5. Diapers and Wipes
Well, this is self-explanatory. If you have ever run out of diapers and had to do an impromptu potty training session with your little ones who are not actually capable of potty training simply because you ran out of diapers… you know the benefits.
Subscribe and Save: Diapers, Wipes, and Diapering Products
6. Pet Food
We have a pet rabbit. Sure, she eats carrots and cabbage and other things as well as the food, but if we run out it requires an extra trip to the Tractor Supply. And, as I hope this post has made clear, I try to avoid trips to town if I can.
So I just recently started getting rabbit food sent to the house. If you have a cat or dog or gerbil or whatever else, you can get food sent. This also means you don’t have to pick up heavy things at the store and schlep them around.
Subscribe and Save: Pet Supplies
7. Coffee, Tea, or your Drink Of Choice
I used to drink Coke Zero but I finally had enough courage, strength, and cajones to quit. I drank too many a day and relied on them as a comfort drink.
So then I switched to coffee and now I’m addicted to decaf coffee. If you’re a tea drinker or La Croix drinker or whatever else, you’ll love these deliveries.
Subscribe and Save: Coffee and Tea
8. Snack Foods and Pantry Staples
The kids much of the same food on the regular. Whether it’s juice drinks, raisins, flour, veggie sticks, these snacks are a part of our normal shop.
Of course, we buy fruits and veggies and meat and what not at the store itself, but the pantry items coming to the home automatically save time and effort.
Subscribe and Save: Staples and Snacks
9. Vitamins and Supplements
If you take regular vitamins or supplements, having them automatically shipped saves you time AND saves you from lapsing.
I forget to take pills unless they’re front and center and will easily stop taking things if something runs out. If you have the same issue with pills (provided they aren’t prescription) this will help.
Subscribe and Save: Vitamins and Supplements
10. Toilet Paper and Paper Towels
I can’t count the number of times people in our household had to use baby wipes because the toilet paper was gone. Or use toilet paper because the baby wipes were gone. This will prevent that madness.
Subscribe and Save: Toilet Paper and Paper Towels
I’m sure there are other things I’ve missed here, but these are the basics we like to get shipped automatically. There is a lot of relief that comes with knowing you always have the necessities on hand and don’t have to make a quick trip to the store.
Or… if you live in a rural area like me… you won’t have to make a “trip to town.”
Now, hopefully, the kids aren’t brushing their teeth with germ infested toothbrushes. We’re getting them in the mail and replacing them, whether I’ve thought of it or not.
Automatic delivery… It won’t cost you any more money, but it’ll save you time and effort.
Precious says
Ha! This made me laugh. When the kid has just recreated Krakatoa and you’re scrabbling under the bed, in their clothes drawers, for the full pack of diapers you put down five minutes ago just for this very occasion…
I swear they eat them.
Rachel Norman says
Raimy Difo says
Thank you so much for all this information as i am going through a second pregnancy with a 3 year old im a bit nervous of how life will be in a couple of months this newsletter has helped me and my growing family.
Rachel Norman says
Raimy, big congratulations :)
Victoria C. says
I went through my son’s toddlers years thanks to Subscribe and save. I had a sufficient amount of diapers, formula and flu and tummy homeopatic medicine sent periodically. The only problem is, since the delivery was monthly I frequently ended up with a surplus or a shortage. As a matter of fact, when my son decided he no longer wanted diapers, I ended up with six boxes of pull ups that I ended up selling almost at half the price (He used very specific products and hes also the tallest of his classroom).
Sin cen then, I have found that Amazon have some special buttoms conencted to wifi and linked to a specific product (say Huggies night size 6). The idea is that you put the buttom next to the place where you store the diapers (or toillet paper, or rice, or shampoo, etc) and when you see it’s almost gone, you push the buttom and that send and immediate order. Although you lose the subscribe and save savings, it’s very helpful with those products whose usage you can not really fully predict. I know I’m going to use a specific hair color treatment every month but I cant tell you how many rolls of towel paper I will use in the same period.
Rachel Norman says
OH YES, these are good. What are those buttons called.. Dash or something? You can press the button. Magic!
J Sullivan says
Thank you for this. I have automatic groceries set up. But I can definitely relate to having to go to the store in the middle of the night, due to diapers running out. And toilet paper. I’ve never used Amazon but I’m going to try it out. It feels good to know there are women out there who understand mothering and have some solutions! lol
Rachel Norman says
I wish I could do groceries, arrggh, we live in the sticks!
Maril says
Try JET, they even send out the cold stuff in dry ice.
Hannah says
I haven’t signed up for subscribe & save yet because I don’t know how much I’ll need things yet, but you have inspired me to go thru my house and list those things that I’m always running out of (thankfully I have a 24 hr grocery store just up the road!! Haha) and I’m going to stock up majorly this week, and get a bunch of non grocery items sent to my house. So thanks for telling me I need a system, even though my spending this week is going to be through the roof ?
Rachel Norman says
Hannah, that’s how I felt when I first started it! ;)
Alissa Somerville says
Don’t forget laundry detergent! I’ve been using this feature for at least five years and love it! We also get vitamin C suckers and if I know I am going to be doing a project that involves sanding I get sanding blocks! Also found fabric paint medium which I have a fabric sofa painting project calling my name sometime in the near future and just ordered some glow paint through it for a project in my daughters’ room! ? Amazon subscribe and save, oh how I love thee!
Rachel Norman says
Oh good one!
Andrea says
I love your blog Rachel! It keeps me on my toes, and it’s very helpful. I have the Super Mom bundle, which is fantastic. I always wanted one, and it’ll be super helpful now that I’m pregnant with number two. I can’t wait to use the part about helping baby sleep through the night as my first one would wake up once each night. Overall, I find your tips to be right on, and I can’t thank you enough.
Rachel Norman says
Hi Andrea, oh you’ll love having two little ones around :)
L says
Why not just stick the tooth brushes in the dishwasher?
Rachel Norman says
Also a great idea!!!!!!!
Megan Beck says
I love subscribe and save! I’ve been meaning to add some more things so I can take advantage of a bigger discount, thanks for the recommendations!