Are you looking for a way to get the house clean and keep it that way? These tips are sure ways to speed clean with the kids help. Here’s how to get it done:
Kids make huge messes.
But they can also clean those messes up!
So, if you’ve been operating with only one side of this equation, it’s time to get your toddlers, preschoolers, elementary aged kids, and older to get involved in the spring cleaning.
Check off critical household, social, and hygiene skills for your child so they’re prepared (not petrified) of growing up!
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Get Together & Get It Done
Foster an environment where kids begin to feel a sense of satisfaction upon a task well done. This satisfaction comes from working together and investing in the tidiness of our house.
We all work together, speed clean the house, and then enjoy the rest of our day together. Team work makes the dream work… so they say.
Kids benefit from the life skills learned in cleaning. Not only that, but kids all age can participate. There can be something for everyone to do.
Also, when kids spend time speed cleaning with mom they are more likely to take some personal responsibilities each day to keep the house tidy.
- Try setting a timer and challenging kids in a fun way!
Help prepare your kids for life, one skill at a time. Simple, easy skills every month!
Learn MoreUse the Right Tools
Nothing holds up speed cleaning like not having the right tools. I mean, being organized and having the tools necessary are essentials when it comes to speed cleaning with kids.
I’m not talking about fancy cleaning gadgets…
Simple, easy to handle, and effective tools will do the trick. You want to train your kids on how to do the tasks and keep the tools the same for them to use each time.
Here are some tips for choosing & keeping the right cleaning tools:
- Use scrub brushes with handles.
- Find an quality dust pan and hold onto it…. AKA don’t let it get lost.
- Purchase a short handle broom.
- Get a broom and dustpan set to keep it all together.
- Teach kids proper use of rags and where to put them for cleaning.
- Use cleaning products that are safe around small children.
- Put supplies for each room in a basket in the room they will be used in.
Check off critical household, social, and hygiene skills for your child so they’re prepared (not petrified) of growing up!
Use Cards to Assign Tasks on the Fly
It’s cleaning day and everyone is helping out. Grab the chore cards, pass them out, and get started.
Get the task done… it’s really that simple.
Get 101+ chore cards to help your little one build life skills, confidence, and their hard work muscles.
Learn More- Evaluate and assign age appropriate chores. Kids are capable of so much and can be very helpful.
Have the House Prepared in the -15 Minute Rule
I like to always have the house at a less than 15 minutes to company rule. Let me explain…
At all times, my house can be “company ready” in 15 minutes or less. Now, that’s a speed clean.
When company is on the way I can assign the kids their task and we can knock out everything that needs to be done.
This works because I don’t let things get too out of hand. My daily sweep is the ticket. A daily sweep is a nightly task that I work into my routine every evening. It feels great and makes speed cleaning a breeze.
Use Baskets to Macro-Organize
Macro-organizing is the way to go if you like to speed clean.
On the flip side, micro-organizing makes more work. Honestly, it’s so hard to maintain ultra organized systems. You’ll probably be the one that will have to stay on top of it. Then, you’ll be back to doing all the cleaning and tiding up yourself.
We can’t have that…
I like to use baskets to store like items in our main living spaces. This makes tiding and cleaning up super fast. Anyone can do it, even the littlest ones.
Assign Jobs Ahead of Time
Chore charts, tasks based on age, or assignments that each kid expects to do (each time) can be a good way to speed clean.
It’s easier to do something quickly if you’re expecting it. Choose which method works best for your kids and their age and lay it out in advance. That way, when it’s time to do speed chores, everyone can quickly get on it.
- There are many great life skills taught by doing household chores.
Check off critical household, social, and hygiene skills for your child so they’re prepared (not petrified) of growing up!
Have Older Kids Help Younger Kids
If you want to work yourself out of doing all the chores, start ’em young and train ’em right. There is a job for everyone.
One way to get this done quickly is to teach your older kids to “train” younger kids. They can shadow them in their job(s) and feel equally as important.
Help prepare your kids for life, one skill at a time. Simple, easy skills every month!
Learn MoreStart From Top to Bottom
When it comes to speed cleaning, you want to get it right the first time. It’s no good to have to clean something more than once.
Start from the bottom up – it’s basically gravity. Dirt falls down, so start cleaning the surfaces first, then head down the floors.
This works great is you’re assigning each kid a separate room for the speed clean.
Place Handy Supply Baskets in Each Room
You know what really slows down a speed clean project? Kids arguing over cleaning supplies. It’s honestly enough to make me want to pull my hair out when they do that.
Here’s a simple answer:
- Place all supplies needed for cleaning that room in a basket.
- Set the basket in that room in a non-conspicuous place.
- Make sure kids know to keep all items in that location when not in use.
- Stock up & don’t run out.
Check off critical household, social, and hygiene skills for your child so they’re prepared (not petrified) of growing up!
Get Everyone Involved
If you’re kids are like mine, they can come up with some pretty great excuses when it comes times to clean. Most of the time, it’s things that they know I want them to do…. that just come up at that moment.
It’s time to speed clean and everyone is helping.
On the flip side, don’t fall for the trap of dismissing your kids from helping if they aren’t as good as you expect them to be at a task. That’s what training and practice are for. Likewise, the older they get the more clever they get when it comes to getting out of tasks.
I like to say, “Do it right the first time or you’ll find yourself doing it again.”
Help prepare your kids for life, one skill at a time. Simple, easy skills every month!
Learn MoreFAQs
The more speed cleaning becomes a normal part of your routine, your kids will learn to accept it and get on board with it. So, if you are just starting out, be consistent with it and make it fun! Play music, have a fun activity to look forward to after the speed clean, or make it into a fun contest.
“Do it right the first time or you’ll find yourself doing it again.”
“We work as a team!”
“Team (last name) are speed cleaners!”
“Let’s get this done so we can…“
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