Being a stay at home mom can feel like being in the trenches at times. It’s true, we don’t always feel full of joy and happiness. Sometimes it stinks pretty bad. So, here are 7 questions to ask yourself if you have being a stay at home mom:
I’ve known women who were miserable dropping their babies off to others and would give anything to stay at home.
And I’ve known moms who thought they’d love being stay at home moms and couldn’t hack it.
The key is… accepting where you’re at, what you’re feeling, and going from there.
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Do you have a good routine?
So much can be said about a good routine. In fact, a good routine (whether you call it that or not) is really the key to an enjoyable atmosphere at home. It takes all the normal things you need to do, streamlines them, and then makes the days more predictable.
A routine, simply put, takes all of the normal things that have to happen every day and put them into something simple that can run on autopilot.
Want your days to feel more peaceful (less stressful) with plenty of time to care for your littles AND for yourself?
Well, I’ve got a foolproof strategy for you and it’s this: ROUTINES 🕑
Grab your FREE daily mom routines checklist and begin uncomplicating family life today!
Without a good routine you are probably experiencing chaos, attitudes, messes, and more. It could be the reason a mom hates being a stay at home mom.
Well, there’s nothing to fear… good routines can easily be adapted into your lifestyle and be sure to choose routines that fit your lifestyle and parenting style.
How much time do you take for yourself?
Taking time for yourself is one of the hardest things about being a stay at home mom. Sometimes in difficult seasons, a mother can feel:
- unworthy
- alone
- like a hermit crab
- less than beautiful
But listen to me moms… taking time for yourself is worth it. And it carries over into many areas of life.
If you have been miserable wile trying to stay at home with the kids, it could be because you have lost yourself in the sleepless hours, diapers, and years of housework. I get it…
Find something that you enjoy and do it. Embrace this season of life but don’t allow it to steal your identity or passions.
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
Self-care is important short term and long term. Let me explain, if you’re not taking care of yourself- how can you effectively take care of the littles in your life? And, when they are grown and gone what will be left?
Take the time, energy, finances, or whatever it takes to give yourself back some joy. You deserve it.
Are you making time for the things that matter?
I now when I start to feel like staying at home is making me miserable, it’s usually because I’m not enjoying the things I’m doing.
I mean, it’s not that I’m not happy to be with my kids. It’s just that I’ve neglected to take time for some of the good things. And that I’ve been focused on the negatives, not the positives.
Or I’ve tried to escape away FROM the kiStrategies For Overwhelmed Moms Who Want To Escape Lifeds vs escaping INTO them.
You know like:
- just playing with my kids
- arts & crafts
- short story time
- taking walks in the park
- spending quality time together as a family
- movie night
- church
- my personal time
- time with my husband
Carving quality (good things) time out of the week is a challenge sometimes, but if you’re a stay at home mom who feels like there’s no more fun in the world… it may be a good place to start.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
Learn MoreDo your kids know how to play independently?
I started all of my kids out very early in life with independent play. Why? Because my sanity depended upon it.
Each of them can spend time quietly involved in some fun task or book while I get some things done or just have my peace time.
Help prepare your kids for life, one skill at a time. Simple, easy skills every month!
Learn MoreIf you’re a stay a home mom, I highly recommend training your kids on how to play independently. This quiet time is not just for you, it will also benefit them in so many ways.
- regulates emotions
- builds creativity
- gains independence
- rests their minds to prevent over-stimulation
- grow in fine motor skills
- raises self-awareness,
- begin to self manage time
- fosters confidence
- learn to appreciate things such as organization and a tidy room
Are you practicing gratitude?
Gratitude goes beyond just saying “thank you” when you are given something. It’s a life skill and some go as far as to say that…
It’s a way of life.
Practicing gratitude (focusing on the good things, even when you feel upset) can help a mom make it through the trenches of staying at home.
Gratitude is a learned skill. Help avoid selfishness and entitlement by nurturing gratitude.
Learn MoreIt’s one of those life skills that takes lots of practice and doesn’t happen overnight. Here’s the truth about gratitude: it’s contagious.
So… when you start to outwardly show appreciation (even when you don’t feel like it) your kids will slowly begin to act more appreciative as well.
Then, the entire atmosphere of your home can shift from grumpy to happy. It takes time, but gratitude is always worth it.
Have you been realistic with yourself?
You know that super mom that raises a bunch of kids, makes home cooked 3 course meals every night, and still finds the time to garden, attend PTO, and coach every single sporting event.
Yeah… she is out there. She exists. Stop comparing yourself to her.
When we as moms begin to set unrealistic goals for ourselves, it can lead to some heartache. I’m not saying to give up on your dreams at all…
But what I am saying is to set honest goals and work with what you’ve got. Your kid’s don’t care if you are influential in their school or if you cook the most home meals out of all the moms you know.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
Learn MoreShould you even BE a stay at home mom?
If you hate being a stay at home mom, you are depressed, angry, and your nerves are fried… it’s time to be super honest with yourself.
Pray, take some time to think, and talk about it with your spouse. A stay at home mom is a blessing for her children… unless she hates it and is miserable and then.
It isn’t.
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