Mothers are worn out and stressed and one of the best ways to relax and refresh is a good book. These must read book series top reading lists.
Reading is one of the most relaxing and refreshing hobbies you can have.
If you are getting too digitally dependent and need a detox, reading a book is a great way to do it. Sometimes getting offline, lying down somewhere comfortable, and getting lost in a story is just what the doctor ordered.
Also, if you’re stressed, anxious, or depressed… reading can help bring you to a better place.
Especially if you are reading easy uplifting and encouraging reads. It’s important to add, nothing listed here is dark. The world is dark enough without our “entertainment” being something that makes us more stressed.
Am I right?
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Our Picks ➩ Must Read Book Series For Mothers
So, let’s dive into our must read book series. I compiled these AND heard from loads of other mothers like yourself to make this list epic.
Historical Book Series
Now, must read books for me nearly always include historical fiction and – as my husband is 50% Scottish – this next series tops the list.
Outlander Series
Diana Gabaldon has created a serious cult following with her historical fiction books set in Scotland during clan times. It’s sort of fantasy, but not entirely. It’s a love story and a war story and a history lesson and completely and utterly addictive.
The books span decades and travel across continents. The books are each long and full and everything in the house goes to pot while you are trying to put it down. Without success.
(Note: there are some intimate scenes that, while not lewd, are what I’d call “raw and emotionally graphic.”)
1. Outlander
2. Dragonfly in Amber
3. Voyager
4. Drums of Autumn
5. The Fiery Cross
6. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
7. An Echo in the Bone
8. Written in My Own Heart’s Blood
Or you can buy the entire series here (by far the best value for money).
Read: All-Time Best Christian Parenting Books (According to Mom Reviews)
Lady Emily Mystery Series
Another series of historical significance, this mystery series by Tasha Alexander follows Lady Emily in Victorian England.
It was meticulously researched and deals with the role of women in society during that time.
From the drawing rooms and ballrooms of London to country estates, journeys to exotic locations, and everywhere in between you’ll follow Lady Emily as she uncovers clues.
1. And Only to Deceive
2. A Poisoned Season
3. A Fatal Waltz
4. Tears of Pearl
5. Dangerous to Know
6. A Crimson Warning
7. Death in the Floating City
8. Behind the Shattered Glass
9. The Counterfeit Heiress
Mark Of The Lion Series
This series by Francine Rivers are the first novels I read by her, and I was instantly hooked.
This trilogy follows the life of Hadassah, a young Jewish girl, who becomes a slave for a Roman aristocratic family.
The plot follows the high-spirited daughter, popular son, and another German slave training to be a gladiator.
It is honestly without a doubt, not-put-downable.
1. A Voice in the Wind
2. An Echo in the Darkness
3. As Sure as the Dawn
Or you can buy all 3 books in the series in a bundle here.
Zion Covenant Series
This series by Bodie Thoene is set during World War II and follows characters and their brave efforts to stop the “growing tide of Nazi terrorism.”
Different characters in different cities during the backdrop of the war.
1. Vienna Prelude
2. Prague Counterpart
3. Munich Signature
4. Jerusalem Interlude
5. Danzig Passage
6. Warsaw Requiem
7. London Refrain
8. Paris Encore
You can buy books 1-6 bundled here.
Christian Book Series
Love Comes Softly Series
I love Janette Oke books. They are simple, sweet, and wholesome while still keeping you turning the pages to find out what happens.
This series follows one family for three generations and starts out with a “marriage of convenience” and leading at last to “an abiding love.” It is set on the prairie and details every day life, common hardships, and good old fashioned simple country living.
1. Love Comes Softly
2. Loves Enduring Promise
3. Love’s Long Journey
4. Love’s Abiding Joy
5. Love’s Unending Legacy
6. Love’s Unfolding Dream
7. Love Takes Wings
8. Love Finds a Home
Or you can buy books 1-4 here, 5-8 here, or the complete collection here.
Mitford Series
This series by Jan Karon is set in the fictitious town of Mitford, North Carolina and follows the lives of the various characters there.
In the New York Times Bestsellers there is comedy, mystery, and good stories about every day people.
I have found these books to jump around very quickly which actually makes me feel a tad nervous while reading them, funnily enough.
1. At Home in Mitford
2. A Light in the Window
3. These High, Green Hills
4. Out to Canaan
5. A New Song
6. A Common Life: the Wedding Story
7. In This Mountain
8. Shepherds Abiding
9. Light from Heaven
10. Somewhere Safe with Somebody
Elsie Dinsmore Series
This series by Martha Finley follows the life of Elsie Dinsmore from when she’s an 8-year-old over the years of her life.
It begins with Elsie as a young Christian girl without a mother struggling to connect with her father, and brings on a myriad of characters and situations throughout the years.
By 1945 the series was second only to Louisa May Alcott and the fist 12 books had sold more than 5 million copies.
The series is very long, but for brevity’s sake I’m only including the first 10 books here.
1. Elsie Dinsmore
2. Elsie’s Holidays at Roselands
3. Elsie’s Girlhood
4. Elsie’s Womanhood
5. Elsie’s Motherhood
6. Elsie’s Children
7. Elsie’s Widowhood
8. Grandmother Elsie
9. Elsie’s New Relations
10. Elsie at Nantucket
Childhood Favorites That Are Must Reads
Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Green Gables is one of my all-time favorite book series. She’s redheaded (like me) and intuitive (like me) and talks too much (like me).
The books are sweet and innocent while still being profound.
An orphan girl finds herself adopted by an older couple in a country town and follows Anne through her youth into her own journey as a mother. Six kids!
With a live in nanny! I had a mother’s helper, but honestly, live in nanny sounds amazing.
1. Anne of Green Gables
2. Anne of Avonlea
3. Anne of the Island
4. Anne of Windy Poplars
5. Anne’s House of Dreams
6. Anne of Ingleside
7. Rainbow Valley
8. Rilla of Ingleside
Or buy the full box set here.
Little House on the Prairie Series
Laura Ingalls Wilder has written a series of books centered around the Ingalls family and their life on the prairie.
It’s heartfelt, sweet, and completely classic.
My daughter has read this series at least twice already.
1. Little House in the Big Woods
2. Little House on the Prairie
3. On the Banks of Plum Creek
4. By the Shores of Silver Lake
5. The Long Winter
6. Little Town on the Prairie
7. These Happy Golden Years
8. The First Four Years
Or buy the full box set here.
In Grandma’s Attic Series
In my own grandmother’s words, “that’s been around 100 years!”
Written by Arleta Richardson, this series tells the story of a young girl who delights her grandmother’s stories of “mischief, discovery and laughter.”
I can’t wait to read this series with my daughter when she’s older.
1. In Grandma’s Attic
2. More Stories from Grandma’s Attic
3. Still More Stories from Grandma’s Attic
4. Treasures from Grandma
5. Away from Home
6. A School of Her Own
7. Wedding Bells Ahead
8. At Home in North Branch
9. New Faces, New Friends
10. Stories from the Growing Years
Chronicles of Narnia
This series by C.S. Lewis is appropriate for both children and adults and has the readers following children who travel between their present day and the magical world of Narnia.
There’s magic, mythical beasts, talking animals, and the writing is honestly so clever you will wonder at it being aimed for children.
1. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe
2. Prince Caspian
3. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
4. Silver Chair
5. The Horse and His Boy
6. The Magician’s Nephew
7. The Last Battle
Or you can buy the complete set here.
Fantasy Must Read Book Series
Lord of the Rings Series
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote one of the most popular and famous fantasy novels in history. The books follow a cast of characters (hobbits, elves, humans, dwarves) in an attempt to stop evil from taking over Middle Earth.
It has sold over 150 million copies worldwide.
1. The Fellowship of the Ring
2. The Two Towers
3. The Return of the King
Buy the whole series in a bundle here.
The Wheel of Time Series
This (clean) fantasy series by Robert Jordan is a #1 international bestselling series that takes place in both the past and the future.
It tells the story of a man whose destiny is to face the Evil One and save the world.
1. The Eye of the World
2. The Great Hunt
3. The Dragon Reborn
4. The Shadow Rising
5. The Fires of Heaven
6. Lord of Chaos
7. A Crown of Swords
8. The Path of Daggers
9. Winter’s Heart
10. Crossroads of Twilight
11. Knife of Dreams
12. The Gathering Storm
13. Towers of Midnight
14. A Memory of Light
Or you can buy the complete set here.
Mistborn Series
Brandon Sanderson wrote this trilogy which is bestselling and appropriate for young teenagers and older.
It’s set in a feudal society that’s deeply divided between the skaa (peasants) and the nobility.
1. Mistborn: The Final Empire
2. The Well of Ascension
3. The Hero of Ages
Or buy the complete trilogy here.
A Prairie Legacy series is a continuation of the Love Comes Softly series. I own both sets and read through them every once and awhile just because.
Hi Michelle, I may add that to the post here in a little bit. I love how simple and easy to read Oke’s books are, but still profound in their simplicity!
I am so glad to see that you liked the Outlander series! I am actually re-reading the whole series right now. When I recommended them to you, I was a little nervous about what you’d think because I am also a conservative Christian, and don’t want to offend anyone by recommending a book that is too sexual; but I personally don’t have a conscience issue with it since I’m married and the couple in the book is married. I have a friend who didn’t agree, though, so I’m shy to recommend them. :)
Anyway, thank you for publishing this post–it looks like I’ve got a lot of reading to do!
Melissa, girl, we love them :) After me talking about it for a while my husband even read them. Ha. I will say the sex scenes – though not actually explicit if you get what I mean – are a little frequent in some of the books, I don’t at all class them with Harlequin type novels because they seem more pivotal to the emotional storyline, not trying to just be explicit for the sake of it. And, as you said, they are married! THANK YOU :) I have recommended them, with a warning as you gave me, many times now.
I LOVE Elsie!!!! Pinning it!
I JUST finished the first book this afternoon :)
This is a great list! I absolutely LOVE the Outlander series even though they are a little lengthy. Plus Diana Gabeldon is from Arizona (where I’m from) so that is always fun! I worked with a woman who was in her fan club and the woman I worked with was actually sent 10 copies f(rom the publisher) of Outlander to hand out and get new people interested. It certainly worked since I had to go out and buy them immediately after I finished it!
(coming over from the blogging on the side group!)
Pamela, I am telling you they are long but once you’re into them, that is so good. Doesn’t it stink when a book ends too soon? That’s awesome she was given free books! Me me me!
I’m so excited to learn about the Lady Emily series!! I love mysteries, and I LOVE anything set in England! Those are definitely going on my list. I’m currently reading Outlander…so interesting! Thanks for the suggestions :}
Ashley, me too. I LOVE period pieces especially set in the UK too. I’m almost done with Outlander (second to last book) but got a bit sidetracked. Ha. I’ve just finished the first book in the Zion series too. I don’t read multiple books at once, but I guess I do series hop.
I love historical fiction, and I recently read the two historical Christian romance series by Liz Curtis Higgs, set in Scotland. I couldn’t put them down!! Powerful themes, great character development, needed lots of tissues for Fair is the Rose!
What are the names? I SO have to read those. I am obsessed with Scotland as a book setting, particularly in historical times
There is a set of four, in reading order:
Thorn in my heart, Fair is the Rose, Whence came a Prince, and Grace in Thine Eyes (I haven’t read the fourth book yet!).
Also a separate series of two books, Here burns my candle, and Mine is the Night.
I love the plots, the very real struggles and flaws of the different characters, and the powerful themes of love and redemption through each series. There is also a lot of detail about life in eighteenth century Scotland! Love it!! Hope you enjoy them!
Thank you for that, Carolyn! I will most certainly go there next!
Just found this list and am thrilled to see it! Was just wondering what books I’ll have to read when I’m on vacation in about 7 weeks… you know, 2 days to myself, being waited on, having food brought to me… love our birth hospital, ha! Your new site design is GORGEOUS!! I hope it’s all you dreamed it would be!
Anna, thank you so much for the compliment. It was harrowing, ha, but I do love it :)
And OH YES YES YES. That whole giving birth thing is tough, but the few days afterwards are heaven. Ha. A sweet milky smelling baby and silence…. :)