I started using essential oils over a year and a half ago to begin using products that were more natural and with less chemicals for my kids. We had a particularly bad winter where most of the kids got sick and they started to associate “medicine” with comfort. Even when they were well again they kept asking for medicine! Oh no!
I was able to comfort them using gentle essential oils so now there’s a positive association with something (chemical free) that helps calm and soothe them. Not to mention helping them when they’re not feeling well. So if you are ready to start your journey into essential oils for you and your family, here’s my current promotion!
Ready to Get Started with Essential Oils, too?
When you purchase a Young Living Premium Starter Kit (which is, on its own, a super deal at $150), you will receive:
- 10 (5 ml) bottles of Everyday Essential Oils Collection — 10 (5 ml) bottles, including peppermint oil, lavender oil, lemon oil, frankincense oil, melaleuca a. oil, stress away oil, thieves oil, panaway oil, purification oil and joy oil.
- Home Diffuser (Retails $98)
- Welcome to Young Living booklet
- Essential Oils at a Glance user’s guide
- 5 ml bottle of Citrus Fresh essential oil
- AromaGlide Roller Fitment
- An additional twelve essential oil sample size products
Plus, I will help you “get started” by kicking in this FREE EDUCATIONAL PACKAGE:
- An Essential Oil Reference Book – It will either be the Essentials Oils Reference Guide (that retails for $17) or Essential Oils Pocket Reference (that retails for $25).  Both books have over 400 pages packed with essential oil information.
- The Essential Oil Starter Guide – a gorgeous 20+ page booklet that covers uses for each of the essential oils in the starter set.
- 3 Laminated Information Sheets: Â First Aid Guide, Babies and Children Guide, & No Vet for Your Pet
- Access to The Oil Nation Facebook Group – an amazing group where you can ask essential oil questions and learn from over 1,000 members.
- Introductory Email Course covering Essential Oil Basics
Here’s what to do:
1. Sign up as a wholesale member right here. The additional bonuses are only available when you sign up using the number “2528040” for the Sponsor ID and Enroller ID.  And don’t worry, you don’t have to sell anything just because you sign up as a wholesale member!  You just get a discounted price on the oils.  You don’t have to give you Social Security number if you don’t want to.  You can sign up for an EIN number through the IRS to protect your Social Security number!  I would only recommend doing step 3 if you want to order essential oils on a regular basis.
2. Order the premium starter kit if you want to get all your freebies.
3. Send me an e-mail at rachel@amotherfarfromhome.com.  Let me know you signed up and send me your preferred shipping address and I will mail you your freebies!  I can also add you to our oily Facebook group where your questions can be answered!
>> Get your starter kit and freebies today! <<
1. Does signing up mean I have sell oils? Nope. It means you can buy oils at wholesale.
2. Am I required to make a minimum purchase each month? Nope. You’re not required to do anything. If you do make regular purchases you can join the monthly rewards program, but you can also quit it at any time.
3. Why do I have to give my SSN? You don’t. Scroll up and find Step 1 to signing up and you can apply for an EIN and receive one immediately which will help protect your SSN.