Inside: These summer camp theme ideas will work for your own kids. Whether you are planning fun activities in the summer, for homeschooling, or for a more organized church or youth camp, these ideas will work.
Two weeks ago we had the busiest week ever. Within a 7-day period the kids had Vacation Bible School from 5:30 to 8:30 pm and then 5 days of swimming lessons… during naptime.
So needless to say the kids were fussy, exhausted, and had gotten a tad out of control.
While I have been relaxing our routine for summer, I also needed to do a bit of tomato staking with the kids.
So in order to have a calm week that was completely home-centered, and also to give the kids a bit more structure to encourage better behavior, I decided we’d have a Family Summer Fun Week.
Read: 24 Things to Do With Your Kids Before Summer’s Over
Here are 3 sample daily summer routines (by age!) to help you get some peace, fun, and relaxation!
What's in this post...
Basically, I created a theme for each day of the week and thought of no-prep, no-purchase-necessary activities that corresponded with the day.
We probably spent two hours in the morning doing these activities (my husband included) and that was that.
I didn’t want to raise my expectations too high because I didn’t want to get irritated if they weren’t into the activities. (See: anger triggers for moms, ha)
Read: Avoid Summer Screen Time Battles In 4 Steps (Printable Included!)
Take our 3 day challenge to create life-giving family, child, and self-care routines.
Learn MoreHere are 5 basic (at home) summer camp theme ideas and easy no-prep actvities
Nature Themes For Summer Camp
- Put on backpacks, explorer gear (these are cool), get some walking sticks, and go for a walk. Our yard is full of nature, but if not, go to a park!
- Put sticks, stones, pine straw, flowers, or whatever else they find in the backpack to store.
- Create some art with paper, glue, and what they picked up.
- Watch some nature videos if you have screen time. We liked this one.
- Use basic craft supplies to draw pictures of trees, flowers, the sky, clouds, etc.
- Make mud pies outside with dirt and, if you’re really keen, make a mud pie to eat. :)
Here are some easy to put together ideas for your nature day.
Read: How To Dress A Newborn Safely In Summer (Day & Night)
Here are 3 sample daily summer routines (by age!) to help you get some peace, fun, and relaxation!
Nature Theme Ideas For Summer Camp
Whether you are doing a summer camp at home or a summer camp for your church or otherwise, here are some nature themed activities or crafts.
Twig Art for Kids
Take the kids on a nature walk and then bring back twigs to use for beautiful twig art.
Nature Find and Count Math Activity
As part of your nature theme week at summer camp, pick up lovely artifacts of nature to use in counting and organizing.
Photo Scavenger Hunt for Kids {Free Printables}
Scavenger hunts for little ones are great ways to pass the time. This goes well with a summer camp theme of Nature.
Nature Smash Painting - Process Art
Use everything the kids find in nature to do some beautiful art.
Build a Bird Feeder
You can build an easy bird feeder with the kids as part of your summer camp.
Read: A Summer Schedule That’ll Keep Kids Occupied & Mom Sane
Animal Themes For Summer Camp
- Do animal walks around the house. My kids loved this and we used this post as inspiration.
- Do a stuffed animal scavenger hunt by hiding stuffed animals around the house and looking for them. You can even use toilet paper rolls to make binoculars. Easy peasy.
- Draw animals with a Sharpie and have your kids color them in.
- Gather your books about animals and have a special reading time.
- Practice animal sounds really loudly outside.
- Watch some short videos about nature, we loved this one.
Here are some activities and crafts that will bring your summer camp animal theme to life for the little ones.
Create summer rhythms that help you balance fun AND real life responsibilities, so you can make make memories with your kids.
Learn MoreSummer Camp Animal Theme Ideas
Use these animal themed ideas, activities, and crafts to supplement your summer camp.
15 Animal Walks
These animal walks will get our kids in the zone for various little critters and creatures in your animal themed summer camp week.
70 Creative sea animal crafts for kids
If you love sea animals (and who doesn't in the summer) these activities will help you do many animal theme activities.
FREE Printable Animal Masks
Free printable animal masks that little ones will love to wear
Ocean Animals Printable Puzzles for Kids
Printable animal puzzles will help the little ones pass their time! They're so colorful and pretty :)
How to Draw a Puppy
These are easy animal drawing guides to help children learn to draw the basic animal shapes.
Read: A Summer Garden: Our Contribution to Earth Month
Water Theme Activities
- Go for a swim in the pool, lake, beach, or even a kiddie pool.
- Make and throw water balloons.
- Teach children about the properties of water. We “made” ice and the kids still talk about it.
- Play in the sprinklers or water hose.
- Take a glow in the dark bath.
- Flavor water with lemon juice, lime juice, mint leaves, or a drop or two of essential oils and put it in a fancy cup for a tea party.
The above are easy to do activities. Supplement those in your summer camp with these water themed crafts or table activities your kids will love.
Take our 3 day challenge to create life-giving family, child, and self-care routines.
Learn MoreSummer Camp Water Theme Activities
These activities and crafts are perfect for your water theme during the summer camp.
How to Make Coffee Filter Sea Monsters
Use your excess coffee filters to make beautiful sea monsters with the little ones in your water themed summer camp week.
Foil fish craft :: ocean theme for preschool
This is a foil fish craft that is beautiful and will be a great keepsake.
Ocean Sensory Bin
This sensory bin is full of squishy goodness. You can use this bin to rotate the kids in and out and have some sensory fun amidst the other more academic water themed activities in your summer camp.
Ocean crafts
Here are ocean related crafts for kids involving paints and colors.
Tot School: Ocean
An ocean related activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Perfect for a table activity after a hot day in the sun.
Building Day
- Make a tower with blocks.
- Build with LEGO.
- Do some woodworking. My husband took my kids to help build wall art for my son’s room.
- Build a fire and roast marshmallows.
- Build with popsicle sticks (some good ideas here).
- My daughter likes to build and create with pipe cleaners.
- Build a race track for cars with masking tape along your carpet.
Kids L-O-V-E to build and construct things with their hands. Whether small things like blocks or LEGO to larger things like forts outside. Here are some great hands on building activities for kids you will love putting in your themed days or weeks for summer camp.
Here are 3 sample daily summer routines (by age!) to help you get some peace, fun, and relaxation!
Building Themed Activities For Summer Camp
These building themed activities will give your child a creative chance to enjoy flexing their construction muscles.
Team Building Activities for Adults and Kids
These activities are great to encourage cooperation and team building. Fun for construction and action oriented groups.
Pretzel and Marshmallow Structures
Easy peasy building structure with marshmallows and pretzels. These will get your little ones wheels going in no time!
Jelly Bean Toothpick Building
This is a jelly bean building activity great for STEM and otherwise.
Popsicle Stick Catapult
This popsicle stick catapult will be easy to put together and super fun. Also, what child doesn't love shooting things across a room?
Gumdrop Bridge
Toothpicks and gum drops... this building activity is great for a building themed week with some STEM thrown in there.
Art Day
- Paint faces. We were given this face paint a while back from Kiss Naturals. It’s all-natural, easy to use, and we got patriotic since it was the week of the 4th!
- Use clothespins or thumb tacks to attach poster boards, butcher paper, or any type of paper to a wall or fence and let kids paint standing up.
- Practice all the colors of the rainbow.
- Color in coloring books.
- Watch videos about art with the kids to get them inspired. Here’s a good art channel.
Art means so many things and you can take a lot of creative license with these activities.
Create summer rhythms that help you balance fun AND real life responsibilities, so you can make make memories with your kids.
Learn MoreSummer Camp Art Themed Ideas
Here are some summer camp art themed ideas that you can use for your little ones this summer at home.
Popsicle Resist Art With Free Template
A super fun popsicle art project for your kids during an art themed week.
Water Pistol Painting is the best outdoor art activity ever!
This activity will have the kids fired up with energy and excitement. Plus, it's so lovely!
Make Recyled Water Bottle Garden Art
Use old bottles to make beautiful art for kids. It's environment friendly and will be a super fun display.
12 Easy Summer Crafts for Kids
These easy beautiful summer inspired crafts are easy to put together and beautiful to display.
It depends if you are using these ideas for an at-home camp with your kids or a larger camp. You can make it short and simple by just choosing a few activities to do each day or you can go all out by making the whole day filled with the themed activities. Your kids’ ages and your time limits will determine how you manage the logistics.
Sibling conflicts a can put a damper on family fun days. These resources can help you manage sibling conflicts and this blog is all about cultivating sibling bonds.
Kathryn H. says
I have so many memories like these from my own childhood, Rachel. Simple things make kids so happy. I really believe in parents developing their kids’ imaginations through basic art supplies and using what’s around you. I haven’t thought of my toilet paper binoculars in years! :-)
Rachel Norman says
I made toilet paper binoculars a few years ago too, then dixie cup binoculars. Ha! So easy and stress free and no worries if the kids use them for 5 minutes and toss ’em ;)
Hannah says
Ha love it!
Rachel Norman says
:) You guys are like a wonderland over there!!
Christia Colquitt says
These ideas are so much fun and doable! I will be giving this a try next week with my 5 kiddos! I know they will love it. Thank you for the ideas.