Are you looking for some Christian children’s books to read to your kid? This will help!
There is some crazy stuff going on these days.
Maybe more than ever it’s important we choose what our children are exposed to.
That we choose to show them things that are beautiful, noble, and that highlight good character.
I’m with you.
I am also in agreement that books are so, so awesome.
Reading to children is one of the best gifts we can give our kids. It gives us a medium to tell them beautiful stories, teach them history, and share important time together.
As they get older, it gives you a way to help discuss the important things in life.
Books are transformative within families.
Honestly, you can read them as a calm down trick or as a bedtime routine or any other time of day you’d like.
So, keep a basket of books in your bathrooms by the toilet (yes, I said that!) and watch your kids start reading more immediately because… what else are they going to do while sitting there?
It’s much better than a tablet.
Read: All-Time Best Christian Books For Women (According To Reviews)
The Best Christian Children’s Books
Obviously, there are tons of books out there and I can’t make an exhaustive list, but I can cobble together the ones we love in our home and the bestsellers out there to help guide you in your book purchases.
Also, if you aren’t going to buy them all today, but want to make a list, make sure and use the Lists feature in Amazon. It’ll be near your account info.
You can create as many lists as you want, the sky’s the limit!
Books for Kids on Abuse: Comforting and Healing Words
Pull out these fun connecting questions to share some laughs with your precious ones!
Use them at:
- meal times
- car rides
- as a “calm down” trick
- for dinner time conversation
- or any time the day is getting chaotic or
- you need a reset to connect.
Bibles For Pre-Readers
Without further ado, here are some of my favorite Bibles that we have in our home as well as others that are highly recommended bestsellers. I tend to love the Jesus Storybook Bible (below) the most because the imagery is so beautiful.
My daughter reads another version for her homeschooling curriculum (pros and cons of homeschooling here) and to me, the most important thing, is to get them hearing these stories at an early age.
- The Jesus Storybook Bible
- The Jesus Storybook Bible With CD’s & DVD’s
- The Beginner’s Bible – Timeless Children’s Stories
- A Child’s First Bible
Bibles For Early Readers
We bought our kids their own individual Bibles as they are able to read them.
My son is 6 and can’t really read his version too well, but my daughter is able to and we use them when we’re doing Bible studies together, for church, and when they go to kid’s church on their own.
Personally, I think that gifting your child a First Bible when they’re able to read is a great tradition and something to be cherished.
- My First Hands On Bible
- My First Hands On Bible (Blue)
- NIV Adventure Bible (Hard Cover)
- Hands On Bible (Softcover)
Pull out these fun connecting questions to share some laughs with your precious ones!
Use them at:
- meal times
- car rides
- as a “calm down” trick
- for dinner time conversation
- or any time the day is getting chaotic or
- you need a reset to connect.
Devotionals For Pre-Readers And Early Readers
We have bought a few devotionals over the years and they are great to help draw out some conversation around certain topics. Sometimes they are easier to help introduce the Word of God to kids because they will take a verse and focus a short applicable story around that.
Very good starting off point for asking questions and getting kids to think about how the Bible is not separate from life, but a guide to life.
- The One Year Devotional For Preschoolers
- Grace For The Moment: 365 Devotions For Kids
- The Purpose Driven Life Devotional For Kids
- Duck Commander Devotions For Kids
- Indescribable – 100 Devotions About God & Science
- Jesus Calling – 365 Devotions For Kids
- Hope For Each Day – A Year Of Devos
Children’s Books By Christian Adult Authors
Lots of famous Christian authors have wanted to write a children’s book. To narrow down a message to something even children can understand.
If you can take a complicated message and help even young ones to get it… that is a sign you’ve got a deep understanding of it. Here are a few children’s books written by well known Christian authors, speakers, singers, etc.
- God’s Good News Storybook
- Lizzy The Lioness
- You Were Made To Make A Difference
- Who Sang The First Song?
- The Pumpkin Patch Parable
- It Will Be Okay – Trusting God Through Fear And Change
Read: Best Christian Marriage Books By Category (According To Reviews!)
Strong and happy families have carefully crafted Family Cultures. They don’t let guilt drive them, rather they spend their time and energy digging deep into a few key family areas that pay off in spades.
Learn MoreBooks About Values & Character
When teaching our children about certain virtues, character traits, or values it’s helpful to read books or stories relating to this. You can draw stories out of any book – it’s true – but often reading certain books on certain topics works kind of like a unit study.
Digging deep in one area allows you to really talk it through and establish the concept on your heart.
- Harriet And The Garden
- Liar, Liar Pants On Fire
- Ruthie & The Not So Teeny Tiny Lie
- The Berenstein Bears & The Truth
- The Empty Pot
- Salt In His Shoes
- The Most Magnificent Thing
- Flight School
- A Chair For My Mother
- Brave Irene
- The Noisy Paint Box
- How To Catch A Star
Amazon Bestsellers in Christian Children’s Books
Here are some floating around that don’t have a specific category, per se, but are well known to be Christian in nature or written by Christian authors.
They are easy to read, easy to listen to, and help children look to and listen for higher order topics. Overall, these are great books to keep on your bookshelves and in your book baskets.
- You Are Special
- Lizzy The Lioness
- Good Good Father
- If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart
- I Prayed For You
- God Gave Us Heaven
- God Bless You And Good Night
Pull out these fun connecting questions to share some laughs with your precious ones!
Use them at:
- meal times
- car rides
- as a “calm down” trick
- for dinner time conversation
- or any time the day is getting chaotic or
- you need a reset to connect.
Christian Children’s Books for Older Children
So these books are either written by Christian theologians or are safe if you are wanting your children to branch out in reading, but make sure the content is something you approve of.
These are basically classics the world over that have stood the test of time. You can buy them individually or in boxed sets, but I’m linking boxed sets for ease if they’re available.
- The Chronicles Of Narnia (box set)
- The Little House On The Prairie (series)
- Anne Of Green Gables (series)
- The Prince Warriors (box set)
Books For Christian Mamas That Help Them Choose Books For Kids (did you get that? ha!)
I love reading books that give book lists at the back. These are a few that’ll help you make a good long book list on Amazon and then buy them strategically as you are able.
The books are high quality, easy to read aloud (and interesting to listen to aloud) and have quite a few classics within them as well.
Pull out these fun connecting questions to share some laughs with your precious ones!
Use them at:
- meal times
- car rides
- as a “calm down” trick
- for dinner time conversation
- or any time the day is getting chaotic or
- you need a reset to connect.
- The Read Aloud Family (making lasting connections)
- Give Your Child The World (raising globally minded kids)
- The Read Aloud Handbook
- The Ultimate Read Aloud Resource
Read: Best Christian Parenting Books (Bestsellers)
Frequently Asked Questions
Previewing books before introducing it to your kids is generally a good practice, especially for younger children or when you’re unsure about the content of a particular book. This can be harder to do when you have more kids and more books, so it can be useful to use online book reviews to help save time.
While resources can be helpful, it’s also beneficial to have a basic understanding of the Bible yourself. This way, you’ll be better equipped to assess the accuracy of the content presented in children’s books and guide your child’s learning journey. Reach out to your church community for recommendations. Church leaders, pastors, or Sunday school teachers might be able to suggest children’s books that are faithful to biblical teachings.
Creating shared experiences around books is a good starting point that can start discussions about what was read and related topics. Ask open-ended questions, read passages of Scripture on the topics you’re discussing, and commit to learning together as a family. If you don’t know the answer to a question, dive into your own personal study or reach out to others in your church community for clarity. Bonding happens through shared experiences and when trust is built.
Awesome! I would definitely buy one of these for my children. Thanks!
One of my favorite read aloud books is The Tale of the Three Trees. A great Christian book about how God uses us in ways we don’t expect, but we end up finding more purpose and fulfillment that way.
Thank you for this post. I am looking to request these titles from my local library. I’m on a mission to increase the demand for Christian authors at my local library and this gives me a place to start. I’ve learned that when Christian authors aren’t requested or checked out frequently, their books disappear from library shelves in order to make room for new & upcoming titles. My library has hardly any of these books. Maybe I can help change that. Thank you!
I have been doing the same thing and with more success than I expected! Best wishes.
Hi! This post is so helpful. I wrote a childrens book available in English and Spanish that teaches children about giving and stewardship. A great book to go under your “Books About Values & Character” category. The books are “Bye-Bye Toys: A story about giving” and “Adiós juguetes: Una historia sobre dar.” Visit to purchase.
Hi Rachel,
My wife, Sandy Sprott, is the author and illustrator of a delightful series of eight children’s books. The first five are read-aloud and the last three are early chapter books. They each present Bible based values.
How do we get exposure of her Little Kicker books on sites such as yours?
Thank you,
Hi Sam, drop me an email to and thanks for thinking of us!
Are they made in America? Really looking for books that are made by Americans!
I don’t see any list of books?
Oh no, if you refresh it should show up. Sometimes Amazon doesn’t load the list!
Did you ever get it to work? I refreshed the page several times and still see no links or book lists under her categories.
I am so sorry about this, Amazon has changed thier links and they are no longer supported or working. We are working to update this!
My 2nd graded loved reading chapter books and I struggle to find books that are not secular. So many involve magic and new age ideas. I would like to find books by Christian authors but it is quite difficult. Do you have a list that you could recommend?
Chris, this is a great question and I havent done much digging in the chapter book area on books that are faith based. If I can around some up I’ll make a big post about it :)
Hi Rachel! My name is Dwayne, I’m a Christian Children’s author from Mississippi. Great blog article, very informative. So true about the craziness out there, kids are being exposed to such graphic material and at such an early age nowadays. It’s terrible! I was inspired to have my first book published this year, and planning on it being a series. But I’m not high ranking, only about mid way on Amazon… But I’m working on it, it’s been a weird year (haha)! But I think that it is so important, maybe more than ever right now, to try to get clean, wholesome stories out there for children that illustrate good Christian values. At least that’s my goal. To put out stories that teach Christian values like kindness and friendship, that hopefully parents and grandparents enjoy just as much as the kiddos. I did a reading for a kindergarten class at one of our local schools before this whole pandemic thing, I think that the teachers and staff were more excited than the kids… It was great! Check me out when you have a minute if you’d like, I’d be interested to hear what you think. Thanks Rachel!
Thank you for putting this out there. I agree with your opinion and I hope more people would come to agree with this as well. Thank you.
Rachel, it’s great that you mentioned some faith-cased stories that would be good for my kids. I agree with what you said that books help teach children about certain virtues, character traits, or values. My husband and I have a three-year-old daughter who we want to have Christian values, so I’ll definitely look through your recommendations. Thanks!
Love this article Rachel!
Every Christian Authors should know to create a Godly and successful book.
You may also read my blog on Writing Advice for Christian Authors
Hope this will also help.
What a wonderful resource this site is! Congratulations and thank you!
Thank you for putting this out there. I agree with your opinion and I hope more people would come to agree with this as well.
Anne of Green Gables is NOT Christian, it was written by a Jew who killed herself and features a little girl acting like a boy.