Inside you’ll find tips on how busy moms can learn to eat well without the fuss.
Years ago I decided what my perfect weight was.
My perfect weight is the weight in which I don’t think about my weight.
Sounds crazy, but it’s true. If we can be at a healthy weight and aren’t always staring in the mirror looking for imperfections, we’re doing well.
But it’s not always that simple to just drop baby weight and move on with life. When you are taking care of little ones and trying to keep house on top of that, it means that we end up doing what we don’t want to do.
And not doing what we want to do.
Why it’s Hard for Busy Moms to Eat Well
It’s certainly not impossible, but it is a lot harder than before kids. It requires more thought and organization as well.
Do you forget to sleep, bathe, eat, relax, etc.? NO MORE. This tracker will help you consistently live within your limits so you have more love to give to your family.
They Don’t Make Eating Well Convenient
If you don’t have nutritious and natural food in the house you won’t eat it. You’ll eat whatever is there. If you are starving and out with the kids without a healthy snack option, you’ll end up going through drive through if things get dicey.
Or if you’re home and the kids are running here and there and you’re wiped out… your willpower will be depleted. And if it’s depleted that means you won’t make good food choices unless the nutritious options are already right there.
Having nutritious and healthy snacks with you (or knowing where you can get them quickly) will go a long way in helping you maintain the discipline to eat well. Hormel Foods has created a snack that both adults and children can eat. It has snack sized pieces of cheese and meat that are 100% natural and minimally processed with no artificial ingredients.
These snacks have protein, are filling but not overfilling, and are a good thing to tuck into your purse if you’re out running errands. Today while back to school shopping my mother, two older children, and myself all had a pack. Everyone ate every crumb.
They Go All or Nothing And Can’t Find a Balance
When can get so gung ho sometimes, us Type A women. We have these BIG goals, then feel disappointed and discouraged when we don’t maintain them.
The key is to not create unattainable goals, but smaller ones. Decide to do 15 minutes of aerobics each morning before the kids wake up, not 45. Once you’ve made 15 minutes a habit you can increase the time.
Don’t go on a strict intense diet without planning extensively and getting other family members on board. You’ll be unable to get past the wall if you don’t pave the way well. You don’t need to deprive yourself of every good thing, you just need to keep a good balance. Nutrition experts often suggest the 80 / 20 rule. 80% of what you eat is healthy and nutritious and the other 20% is whatever you end up eating.
This is a good balanced approach.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
Learn MoreThey Go Without Then Crash and Binge
I have a bad habit of waiting until I’m hungry to eat. The trouble with this is, with lots of little kids, I can go hours and hours without feeling hungry. Eventually my blood sugar drops and I am ravenous. Then I’ll eat anything around me without a care in the world. I realized that for months I was filling my body with empty calories and not eating nearly enough protein.
Instead of having a nutritious snack around that I made an effort to eat, I just waited until I “felt” like it. This slowed down my metabolism and my energy levels. Having convenient nutritious options helps keep busy moms consistent. Keep a section of the fridge or pantry just for your specific protein filled snacks, you won’t be sorry.
- pinpoint an issue
- draw out how it’s affecting you
- label what you don’t like about it
- determine areas of responsibility
- figure out how it’s showing up
- say what you’d rather happen
- brainstorm solutions
They Don’t Set Themselves Up To Succeed
My friend Amber shared a tip once that helped her succeed with her healthy eating. Her temptation was to finish her 4 children’s plates as they were clearing lunch. The peanut butter and jelly crusts or the crackers, etc. To combat this and set herself up to succeed she would take the dish soap with her to the table and squirt some of the soap on all the plates to erase her temptation.
How genius is that?!
Point being, set yourself up to succeed. Figure out what you do like. Figure out what you don’t like. Buy the types of foods you want to eat and don’t buy what isn’t good for you. If it isn’t in the house it isn’t nearly as tempting.
Buy nutritious foods.
Buy natural snack options.
Don’t overreach.
Dennis says
The secret lies in the type of food we eat. Why is that important? because if you eat the right food, you can eat less and still your body will gets what it needs, especially in terms of maintaining adequate milk supply.
In addition, good food does not require much preparation and so its not time consuming. I am referring to fresh unprocessed and uncooked food such as vegetable, dark green leaves, nuts and oils.
You do not need much time to eat a carrot or almonds. Just go to the fridge and eat.
Eating the type of foods mentioned above will keep you healthy with no need to spend time i the kitchen/ For more details, you should refer to