Once you decide that having a mother’s helper is a good fit for you, it’s important to decide when the best time for your help to come will be.
Years ago I had 5 kids under 5 years old and needed some extra hands. Our mother’s helper was like a knight-ess in shining armor.
I was super careful about the times that she came so it didn’t go into a black hole and feel wasted. I would organize myself so that when she came I was off to the races.
Doing exactly what I needed to do on that day. Be that sleeping or working. If you have your mother’s helper come when you’re not that stressed, have little to do, and the kids are typically occupied this will be wasted time.
There’s a better way.
Reasons moms have mother’s helpers and times that work well
Here are the main reasons most moms find themselves in need of some help like a babysitter, nanny, or mother’s helper.
Lot’s of mom’s today work from home or have a side job that takes up some of their day.
This is a stressful time for mom if you’re still managing the kids singlehanded at the same time. So, possibly scheduling some “working hours” around when you have your mother’s helper there may be a good idea.
- Morning power hour | If you are productive in the morning, you can schedule a helper to come so you can knock out some work.
- Afternoons | If you homeschool, for example, you could have a helper come in the afternoon, after homeschool, to occupy the other kids.
- Super early morning | If you wanted to get work in super early, you could wake up before the kids (or work after they go to bed) so having a mother’s helper will help you get double the work done.
To rest
Rest is so important for moms and kids. And, it’s typically a more quiet time of the day. During this time some good help can be used to focus on some much needed tasks.
Sometimes, when my beloved mother’s helper was here I would just lie down and take a nap. Without having to worry about one year old tantrums or sleep regressions or anything else.
- Choose your sleepy time. Whatever time you want to nap, have a helper come over. The afternoon slump is a great time for help.
- DON’T SCROLL. Put your phone away if you want to rest, put it far away and lie down.
- If your mind is spinning and you feel like it’s difficult to get to sleep, try meditation, quiet music, or deep breathing. Or all three!
- Put on an eye mask. If your mother’s helper comes at 11am and it’s sunny… put an eye mask on. Make the room dark as can be, turn on the fan, snuggle up under a cozy blanket and lie there to rest. Even if you don’t fall asleep, it’ll be restful to your soul.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
Learn MoreTo watch smaller kids when helping older kids
If you’re a homeschool mom with younger children under foot, you know the struggle. Try scheduling your mother’s helper to assist with the younger ones during crucial school hours.
Sometimes the older kids get sidelined while it’s all hands on deck to care for the baby. If you want to spend some individual time with your older children, then have a mother’s helper come during a time that makes sense.
- Morning – Depending on your babysitter’s availability, this could be a good time. Get up and get going.
- Afternoon – A mother’s helper can help do homework with the kids, give them snacks, occupy the toddlers or babies, etc. while you send time with older children.
- Late afternoon – Sometimes having a helper watch the little ones so you can cook is the best thing ever. You can cook in peace and the house isn’t destroyed.
To run errands or help with appointments and outings
When I had an appointment or reason for an errand, but didn’t want to go it alone (since at one point I had 5 kids under 5 years old), I’d bring my helper along. A trip to Sam’s? You bet your bottom dollar she came along.
- To run errands. One of my favorite times to have a mother’s helper available. Not only do I get to avoid fussy kids in the stores and battling with car seats, but I get some peace and quiet out on the town.
- On a museum trip or fun outing. Want to take the kids somewhere fun but need more hands? Like a water park or a splash pad or a trampoline park? This is a great time to have a helper who can take a load off you.
Print this off and use it to create your own job description to start getting some help, stat!
Timing suggestions
Consider when you’re most stressed.
If you are super stressed in the afternoon, the afternoon is a good time for help. Likewise in the morning. Or even late afternoon. The whole reason you have help is to lighten your load so don’t have someone come over during times you aren’t
Your most productive hour
Do you have a time during the day that you seem to really get some things done? Maybe it’s first thing in the morning or maybe it’s early afternoon.
Whenever that time is, it can be stressful to have little ones deterring you from your tasks. Take the stress off by scheduling help during this time.
Taking advantage of naps
If your child naps for 2 hours, have your helper come either before or after so you double time. Then you have nap time and the time before or after. If your child isn’t a consistent sleeper this might not work so well, but if it is then use this to double the value of your helper.
You might also consider having a mother’s helper some during your child’s Quiet Time.
These recommendations and tips are ESSENTIAL! Wish I had known this when my boys were little. I could have genuinely used some extra time to get work done with a helper around.