If you’ve got a baby right now and a baby on the way, you gotta have the right gear. Here are the best double strollers for irish twins.
My first two children are one year and a few weeks apart.
Just over the 12 month Irish Twin rule… but not quite 13 months. So I’m going to take the Irish Twins classification, okay?
When my second born child was born, my firstborn still couldn’t walk. I’m not joking. She wasn’t helping bring me diapers or cuddle the baby.
She was still a baby herself!
If this is you and you’re wondering what gear do you need, then look no further.
If you go out and about a lot running errands with your babies then a stroller will be a necessity and the right one will be the difference between having a pleasant time out or vowing never to leave the house again.
Read: The Ultimate Guide To Surviving Irish Twins In The Early Years
What's in this post...
Double Stroller Options for Irish Twin Mamas
I’m going to go over the 3 main types and the pros and cons of each. I’ve had 2 of the 3 types and wish I’d had the third so with that knowledge – from a mama of [thrive_2step id=’19879′] 5 kids in 5 years [/thrive_2step] – let’s get cracking.
Side By Side Double Strollers For Irish Twins
These strollers have places for two little ones side by side. Let’s dive into the pros and cons.
Pros of side by side double strollers:
- Both babies can see forward without obstruction
- These strollers are typically quite a bit cheaper than other double options
- They are easy to fold open and close down
- When babies are older they can be near each other to play
- Easy, accessible, and fast to put the kids on and get moving
Cons of side by side double strollers:
- These can work if you configure it safely and carefully, but aren’t really designed for infants so if you want a stroller you can begin to use immediately after giving birth to the second of your Irish twins, you may want to give this a pass.
- Even though they are configured to fit through a doorway, Good Luck With That!
- They’re wide which helps in places like Disney where you want to create a path of wide berth, but not so helpful on a sidewalk because people always have to walk off the path or around due to the width.
- They take up a lot of room in the trunk.
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Learn MoreTandem Double Strollers For Irish Twins
This is a second type of stroller you could use with your Irish twins. I have used this one as well and can testify to both its pros and cons.
Pros Of Tandem Double Strollers
- The stroller is narrow and easy to get through doorways and on sidewalks without pushing everyone off.
- It shelters the child in back a little bit and allows for good napping when you’re on the go.
- You can find inexpensive ones.
- This type of stroller grows with your little ones and will last until they’re 3 at least unless you have really tall kids.
Cons of Tandem Strollers
- One child is sort of behind the shelter of the other. If you put the baby back there they have a better chance of sleeping, but a toddler will get annoyed.
- Babies don’t do well in these if they are tiny unless you bundle them up tightly and prop things around them so they don’t slip. This is great when you are in the 2 under 2 stage, but not both under 1 stage.
- The storage is limited in these because it’s fairly shallow and only underneath so if your purse is quite sturdy it’ll be hard to get it under there.
- It doesn’t fold up too tight so if you have a smaller car it’ll be a struggle.
Strollers With Seats, Infant Carriers That Are Sort Of Convertible For Irish Twins
This next time, my final type, are the kinds of strollers that are convertible like. With a spot for a toddler, and one for an infant seat, and then it morphs as they age.
Pros Of These Double Strollers
- You can fit your toddler and baby in a seat together.
- They are adjustable so you can change configurations based on your needs.
- Strollers are super high quality due to their price points.
Cons Of These Strollers
- Once baby is out of the infant seat, they are often useless.
- They are extremely expensive if you aren’t going to be using it a lot.
- They require a lot of learning how to do and undo and if you aren’t too mechanically inclined (like myself!) then they can be a tad tricky when you’re alone.
Irish Twin Related Reads
If you’ve got little ones super close in age (or you’re about to) read my best advice for moms in your situation.
I’ve been there, mama, and you’re gonna love it.
Hi Rachel! I’m expecting my second child and have a 5 month so looks like I’ll be joining the Irish mom club! I wanted to see if you would recommend a wagon in lieu of a double stroller. I’m looking at the Veer – curious if you spot any issues with this option over a tandem or double stroller. Any insights you have would be welcomed! Thanks!
Those cruisers look amazing :) It totally depends where you’re going and what you’re going to be doing. But I’d certainly have had one of those when mine were so little :)