Here’s a pretty comprehensive list (by category) of the best Christian marriage books out there. Marriage is hard, these books will help.
My pastor in college said something one time about marriage that I’ve never forgotten. It was a bit stunning at the time, and I wasn’t sure if he was being real or being cynical.
Sometimes, it’s hard to tell.
Now, 11 years into marriage I know it to be true.
This is what he told me…
When marriage is good, it’s the best thing in the world. When it’s bad, it’s a living hell.
My hope and prayer is that your marriage *is* in a good season with both spouses looking to God for guidance and strength.
My experience tells me, however, that many of you will be struggling. In this post I’ve included books for good seasons of marriage, for strengthening seasons, and also books you never thought you’d ever have to buy.
“This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
What's in this post...
Books to read before you get married
A lot can be said about planning ahead…even if its just emotional planning.
The following books will help you go into marriage with a deeper understanding of your spouse, yourself, and how to handle situations.
- The 5 Love Languages – A must read before getting married, The 5 Love Languages outlines the secrets to love that last.
- The Four Laws of Love – This book outlines the fundamental pillars upon which God designed marriage. The Four Laws of Love guarantees success for married couples.
- The Meaning of Marriage– The Meaning of Marriage is about facing the complexities of commitment with the wisdom of God.
- What Did You Expect?– This book redeems the realities of marriage before entering into commitment. After all, one day you will probably say: “What Did You Expect?“
Books on keeping purity within marriage
Infidelity is a sure way to have turbulence within a marriage. God’s design for marriage is one of purity and commitment.
These books outline and encourage purity, devotion, and love as it should be in a Christian marriage.
- Sacred Marriage– In Sacred Marriage, the author outlines this concept: what If God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?
- In Bed with Adam and Eve– In Bed with Adam and Eve is your guide to healthy marriage emotionally, intimately, and spiritually.
- The Mingling of Souls– This book discusses God’s design for love, marriage, sex, and redemption. The Mingling of Souls deals with purity within a marriage.
- The Armor of God– The Armor of God is a devotional book designed to prepare women of the enemies attack on flesh and spirit.
- Hold Me Tight– The Christian marriage book Hold Me Tight tells of seven conversations for a lifetime of Love.
Books on prayer within marriage
Prayer is an important part of the life of a Christian and prayer within marriage can be a powerful unifier.
- The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage– This Christian marriage book of Heartfelt Prayers is aimed towards marriage and how to look to God for strength.
- The Love Dare Day by Day– This comprehensive prayer book, The Love Dare, includes a year of devotions for couples.
- One– This 52 Weekly Marriage-Building Devotions for Thriving Couples is a prayer devotional by the same author as A Marriage On The Rock.
- 365 Days of Prayer for Couples – This Prayer Book is a limited leather edition and perfect for couples striving to grow closer to God through prayer.
- The One Year Love Language Devotional- From the author of The 5 Love Languages, The One Year Love Language Devotional discusses prayer in relation to demonstrating love within marriage.
“Getting to know you” and fun books
Married couples sure to have a blast with these “fun date night and get to know you books.”
I have also included some couples devotionals that are sure to spark conversations.
- 10 Great Dates– The Christian book, 10 Great Dates, focuses on making room in marriages to connect faith and love.
- Love Talk Starters– What better way to get to know your spouse then to read Love Talk Starters? It includes 275 questions to get your conversation going.
- Fun & Creative Dates for Married Couples– Fun & Creative Dates includes 52 way to enjoy life together with a Christian perspective.
- 52 Uncommon Dates- This book of Uncommon Dates is a couples guide to praying, playing, and staying together.
- Quizzes for Couples– In the activity book Quizzes for Couples, you’ll find fun questions to complete and strengthen your relationship with your spouse.
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Christian marriage books on intimacy
It’s sometimes necessary to take a look at intimacy when it comes to a marriage.
This is no different for Christians.
- The Unveiled Wife– This audiobook shows how to embrace intimacy with God and your husband. The Unveiled Wife will help you discover deeper relationships.
- Kingdom Marriage- In the book Kingdom Marriage, the author discusses how married couples connect God’s Purpose with their pleasure.
- Now You’re Speaking My Language– From the same author of The 5 Love Languages, Now You’re Speaking My Language deals with honest communication and deeper intimacy for a stronger marriage.
- You and Me Forever– In You and Me Forever, you’ll journey through marriage in light of eternity.
- The Intimate Connection– In the book The Intimate Connection, the author teaches the secrets to a lifelong romance.
Christian books for spouses dealing with a husband’s addiction
Unfortunately, struggles with addiction are common in many marriages.
Whether you or your spouse are dealing with struggles of addiction… these books can help.
- Love You, Hate the Porn– Healing a relationship damaged by virtual infidelity can be even more difficult than overcoming the addiction. Love You, Hate the Porn maps out a way to restoration.
- Sober Mercies– In Sober Mercies, the author discusses where to turn when what you’re trying isn’t working. This book is about how love ought up with a Christian drunk.
- Wired for Intimacy- In the book Wired for Intimacy, the author uses science to explain how the male mind works in relation to intimacy and porn.
- Healing the Scars of Addiction– This book deals with the Scars of Addiction left by drugs, alcohol, medication, shopping, pornography, and more.
- Finally Free– In Finally Free, the author outlines fighting for purity and freedom from addictions within the power of God’s grace.
- The Last Addiction– In The Last Addiction, the reader goes on a journey to own their own desire and what can happen for a life beyond recovery.
- Pure Eyes, Clean Heart– In Pure Eyes, Clean Heart, you’ll read about a couple journeys through freedom from pornography.
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Christian books for women in abusive marriages
Abuse can take many forms. Although suffering is not what the heart of God wants for marriage, it may be your truth today.
I pray these books will shine light on what you need to have peace and tranquility.
- The Emotionally Destructive Marriage– This book is a must for someone who feels like something hast to change. The Emotionally Destructive Marriage shows how to find your voice and reclaim your hope.
- You Are Never Alone– A best seller from Max Lucado, You Are Never Alone takes you on a journey through trust and the miracle of God’s presence and power.
- Healing from Hidden Abuse– In the book Healing from Hidden Abuse, the reader takes a journey through the stages of recovery from psychological abuse.
- Is It Abuse?– In this Biblical guide to identifying abuse, Is It Abuse?, helps victims identify and heal from various types of abuse.
- Suffering and the Heart of God– Suffering and the Heart of God shows how trauma destroyed, but Christ restores.
Christian books for healing from affairs
Anyone who has ever suffered from unfaithfulness in a marriage knows how all-consuming it can can become.
Find encouragement, solace, and humility in the pages of these Christian marriage books.
- It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way– This book will help you find unexpected strength when disappointments leave you shattered. It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way is written by New York Times bestseller author, Lysa TerKeurst.
- Forgiving What You Can’t Forget– In Forgiving What You Can’t Forget, Lysa Terkeurst takes the reader on a journey to discover how to move on. This book also discusses how to make peace with painful memories and how to create a life that’s beautiful again.
- Healing Your Marriage When Trust Is Broken– The author of Healing Your Marriage speaks on finding forgiveness and restoration after trust is broken.
- Rescued– The author of Rescued guides a wife through the many important pieces of recovery after betrayal.
- Shattered Vows– Shattered Vows deals with hope and healing for women who have been sexually betrayed.
Christian books on divorce
Sometimes life situations can seem to have no rhythm, rhyme, or purpose. It’s important to know that you’re now alone!
Divorce is hard, but there are some that have gone through it and can offer some help.
- Unraveling- This book was written for every woman who cannot believe their marriage is over. Unraveling discusses hanging on to faith through the end of a Christian marriage
- You’ll Get Through This – A book by Max Lucado, You’ll Get Through This, offers hope and help for your turbulent times.
- Something Gained– Something Gained offers teaching on the 7 shifts to be stronger, smarter, and happier after divorce.
- Life Interrupted– This book by Priscilla Shirer, Life Interrupted, is about navigating the unexpected.
- Healing the Divorced Heart– This devotional book about Healing the Divorced Heart gives hope and encouragement for those going through divorce.
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Christian all-time bestselling marriage books
You’ll want to go ahead and grab a copy of each of these best-sellers! Enjoy and grow through reading these powerful titles:
- Love & Respect– Love & Respect is a timeless book that has been cherished in many marriages.
- The 5 Love Languages – You’ll come back to this one time and again! The 5 Love Languages is Gary Chapman’s best seller.
- His Needs, Her Needs– A book designed to help build a marriage that lasts, His Needs, Her Needs, has topped the charts and helped couples everywhere.
- The Power of a Praying Wife– This book of prayers is on the bestseller list for Christian marriage books. The Power of a Praying Wife is insightful, honest, and life-changing.
- Love Unending– Listen to this bestseller, Love Unending, to rediscover your marriage in the midst of motherhood.
Thanks for this knowledgeable information.
Interesting lists of books particularly about divorce that everyone can follow through it.