Inside you will find 5 surprising reasons that baby monitors are helpful and this goes well with newborn baby needs.
10+ times a night.
That is how often I woke up each night after my kids stopped night wakings.
I am not even joking. Every time I rolled over I would have to get up, out of bed, and down the hall.
To make sure both my babies were breathing.
It wasn’t enough they weren’t crying, I needed to be sure they were still okay. And that required visual confirmation.
This went on for months. Months of this nightly cycle of anxiety then relief.
Know what would have been useful at this time?
A smart baby monitor.
But this was years and years ago, and they were not widely available.
Today, in a rambling house that completely blocks sound, a monitor helps us all keep an eye on the baby who still sleeps for long stretches twice a day.
4 Useful Features of “Smart” Baby Monitors
If you’re on the fence about what type of monitor you want or what exactly you want it for, I encourage you to read further.
Read: Simple Baby Advice That Stands the Test of Time
They multi task
Not only do monitors amplify the sounds of baby in their room, they also give you a great many other benefits. I use them frequently during the summer when baby is napping and we’re in the front or back yard. We can hear every noise. We can also see baby because monitors, like the Arlo Baby below, give you live video so you can see exactly what’s happening with baby.
Awake but playing in crib?
Rolling around restlessly, about to wake up?
Standing up yelling for mommy?
Arlo Baby has both night vision and HD technology.
The Arlo Baby will send you cry and motion detection alerts as notifications on your phone so if you’re in the next room (or downstairs) snoozing, you can hear if something changes in baby’s room. The peace of mind this gives a new mother cannot be understated. Those first few weeks and months are such a time of immense change. It can be hard to “sleep when baby sleeps” because then you are afraid you’ll sleep so soundly you won’t hear baby wake.
You will. Trust me.
They age up
Often mothers worry that after baby is a few months old they won’t need the monitor anymore.
Au contraire.
Monitors just seem to get more and more useful. You use them to monitor baby’s sleeping, of course. But you can also use them to watch over kiddos during independent play and even as babies become toddlers.
I’ve watched my toddlers to see if they were napping or playing. I’ve used it to keep eyes on one end of the house where children like to play while I’m at the other cooking. It can seriously be used for years to come.
Read: Advice For New Parents That’ll Help You Rest And Relax (And Enjoy Baby)
They give peace of mind
I don’t want to worry, it isn’t fun for me. I’m not sitting around thinking of things that can go wrong. But, let’s be honest, I love these babies and like to be hyper-vigilant over them when they are young. I want to make sure they are breathing and sleeping and all around fine.
Monitors come in handy if you have let baby sleep in your room for weeks or months and are moving baby to their own room. Monitors come in handy if you are downstairs or at the other end of the house.
Monitors come in handy when you want to be sure baby is breathing, but don’t want to risk waking baby up by opening the door and standing over them trying to discern if their chest is going up or down.
Ask me how I know.
They give access
Last year, the school where my mother works got a new principal with an 8 month old daughter. When my mother met the principal for the first time and they discussed their families, my mom says the funnest thing happened. The principal was describing her precious baby then said, “Oh wait, I’ll show her to you.”
Then, using the WiFi on her phone she pulled up a monitor at her baby’s daycare and they did a quick search until they spotted her. Wow!
This is incredible.
One thing technology has given us that is positive is this: access. Instead of having to sneak in baby’s room or get out of bed every hour just to be sure baby is breathing… we can take a quick look at the video on our phone and go back to bed.
If you struggle with worry or fear – as I did – about SIDS, monitors are a lifeline.
You can see, in real time, exactly how baby is doing.
Monitors give you the freedom to actually do other things around the house, play with the older siblings, and not have to worry about baby every moment.
“Set peace of mind as your goal and organize your life around it.” B. Tracy
Candice @ Babylic says
I’m convinced on all 4 points, Rachel. On the other hand, most smart appliances – including home surveillance cams and baby monitors – aren’t the most secure devices around. I’ve read news about hackers taking snapshots from unsecured smart home cams.
I’m not saying this to deter anyone from upping the smarts of their home. I’m all down for keeping a close eye on our little ones and preserving our peace of mind. But we want to be careful not to add hidden security risks in our home. From what I’ve read, the guys behind the Arlo Baby did their homework and the baby monitor uses the latest security best practices.
Excellent recommendation, Rachel!
Rachel Norman says
Candice, GREAT point!!!
Aatif says
When it comes my baby, then I understand that safety is no joke now a day’s. Thanks for sharing this amazing content with us.