After a discussion with a friend last week, I had a moment of clarity. Then I read the article My Choice to Parent Differently Does Not Imply Your Way Is Wrong, and it confirmed my suspicions. Mothers take their roles seriously and want to think they're making the best decisions possible for their ...
Finding God in the Little Things
Recently my pastor gave a sermon on the spiritual journey.Though he talks about that every Sunday, this day it stuck with me in a new way. Of course we need to live our lives "right" and do the "right" things and avoid the "wrong" things, but really we just need to be in a relationship with ...
Does your child have curly hair?
Curly hair tips for those of you (and your daughters) who need to tame the frizzies! The reason there isn't a picture of my daughter is that she has straight hair. And it's blonde. And she's tan... it's a cruel world, people. However, I know there are plenty of you straight haired mamas who ...
“How to be the parent you always wanted to be” book review
How many of you ladies like to read parenting books? How many times have you requested your husband read a book only to have it sit on his nightstand indefinitely? Well let me tell you, How To Be The Parent You Always Wanted To Be is one that may actually get read. Why? It's short and it has ...
How to Get More Done Without Multitasking
It's tempting as a busy mom to multi-task and do many things at once, but you end up distracted and not getting anything finished! Here is how to het more done without multitasking: I used to be a major multitasker. In fact, I used to pride myself on being able to do many things at once... ...
Never let this battle start
We've talked about which battles are worth the fight and which aren't. Some we want to be sure and win and some, we don't mind losing. There is one major battle, though, that we should simply never get involved in. That is the battle for authority. By authority I don't mean physical power or brute ...
How can I keep our home family centered when my whole day is child centered?
This week we've been focusing on a guiding principle of the Ezzo books, which is to keep the family centered on the family, not the family centered on the children. This sounds so ideal and logical and simple in theory. Maybe it is even logical and simple in practice sometimes. But if you are like ...
Training our children in Faith vs. Fear
As parents, there are many times we have to step in and reassure our children. At bedtime we reassure them we'll be there in the morning. When we go to work or on an errand, we reassure them we'll return soon. Children - because they have the good sense God gave them - often feel fear when they are ...
Do your children have a favorite parent?
This article written by me was first posted on The Graceful Mom. I've previously written a post called Do you have a Favorite Child, so I thought I'd take the opposite spin this time. Does your child have a favorite parent? This is a hard question to ask, a hard thing to think about, and so ...
Managing children close together in age throughout the day
Big tips on handling kids close in age throughout your day. As mothers we learn lots of tricks to keep the house from burning down while we're on duty. With each child we've welcomed into the family we learn something new. In fact, each child brings with it new opportunities to see just how ...