When I was diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer 5 years ago, my youngest son was only 2 years old.
I faced the horrifying reality that he might not remember me if I died.
I laid in his room sobbing uncontrollably. Grieving the idea that the last years of my life had been consumed (in a good way) with loving my precious children. I questioned the idea that if they didn’t remember me… would it all have been wasted?
What's in this post...
Then I had a deep peace settle over my heart
I was reminded that the hugs, cuddles, uplifting words, and moments of care and understanding in my kids were investments. I had loved them and, whether I was alive or dead, they would carry the benefits of that early love with them.
In fact… even death cannot sever this loving connection.
You can move states or continents and still have a deep loving connection with your mother. A mother can pass away and you STILL feel a strong abiding connection.
It is not so weak and breakable that going into another room to sleep, taking a weekend trip with friends, or getting a job outside the home will sever it.
You needn’t be so worried that every little thing you do will “break connection” with your kids. That is a trap that creates mental and emotional bondage.
Amazing Stats…
- Fetal cells from a baby remain in a mother’s body for decades after birth, a phenomenon called microchimerism. These cells may contribute to tissue repair and emotional well-being, symbolizing the physical and emotional interconnectedness of mother and child. (Source: Nature Reviews Immunology, 2017)
- Research across cultures confirms that maternal love is a universal predictor of a child’s well-being, regardless of socioeconomic or cultural background. Children with loving mothers consistently score 20-30% higher in measures of happiness and life satisfaction. (Source: World Psychiatry, 2021)
- Across cultures, 90% of mothers feel that their children’s love provides them with a sense of purpose and a deeper connection to family and community. (Source: World Values Survey, 2021)
This deep abiding love…
Because of this deep love for your kids… you care for their emotions. You help bring out the best in their character. You protect them from things they’re too young to understand aren’t good for them. You aren’t afraid of disappointing them when you know they’re too young to understand why.
The lifelong benefits of maternal love are seen in mental and physical health, self-esteem, and positive social relationships.
Your love is fortifying them for life!
Remember, love is not a feeling in the moment of happiness. If your kids are unhappy with you temporarily, that doesn’t mean they don’t love you. In the same way that you being unhappy with their behavior doesn’t mean you don’t love THEM.
Instead of being worried you’re constantly disrupting attachment, begin to view connection and love as a permanent thing.
It is, in fact, more enduring than life itself.
Neglecting your own physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional needs for so long―in an effort to be a selfless mother―leaves you depleted. Being well blesses your family! Learn WIN WIN strategies in my upcoming book!
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